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Experimental Features


This section contains information and guides on the experimental features that are currently available in the Scaffolder. Be advised that these features are still in development and may not be fully stable or complete, and are subject to change at any time.

Please leave feedback on these features in the Backstage Discord or by creating an issue on the Backstage GitHub repository.

Retries and Recovery


Form Decorators

Form decorators provide the ability to run arbitrary code before the form is submitted along with secrets to the scaffolder-backend plugin. They are provided to the app using a Utility API.


To install the Form Decorators, add the following to your packages/app/src/apis.ts:

api: formDecoratorsApiRef,
deps: {},
factory: () =>
decorators: [
// add decorators here

And then you'll also need to define which decorators run in each template using the EXPERIMENTAL_formDecorators key in the template's spec:

kind: Template
name: my-template
- id: my-decorator
test: something funky

parameters: ...
steps: ...

Creating a Decorator

You can create a decorator using the simple helper method createScaffolderFormDecorator:

export const mockDecorator = createScaffolderFormDecorator({
// give the decorator a name
id: 'mock-decorator',

// define the schema for the input that can be proided in `template.yaml`
schema: {
input: {
test: z => z.string(),
deps: {
// define dependencies here
githubApi: githubAuthApiRef,
decorator: async (
// Context has all the things needed to write simple decorators
{ setSecrets, setFormState, input: { test } },
// Depepdencies injected here
{ githubApi },
) => {
// mutate the form state
setFormState(state => ({ ...state, test, mock: 'MOCK' }));

// mutate the form secrets
setSecrets(state => ({ ...state, GITHUB_TOKEN: 'MOCK_TOKEN' }));