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Atlassian Authentication Provider

The Backstage core-plugin-api package comes with an Atlassian authentication provider that can authenticate users using Atlassian products. This auth only provides scopes for the following APIs:

  • Confluence API
  • User REST API
  • Jira platform REST API
  • Jira Service Desk API
  • Personal data reporting API
  • User identity API

Create an OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app in the Atlassian developer console

To add Atlassian authentication, you must create an OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app.

Go to

Click on the drop down Create, and choose OAuth 2.0 integration.

Name your integration and click on the Create button.

Settings for local development:

  • Callback URL: http://localhost:7007/api/auth/atlassian
  • Use rotating refresh tokens
  • For permissions, you must enable View user profile for the currently logged-in user, under User identity API


The provider configuration can then be added to your app-config.yaml under the root auth configuration:

environment: development

The Atlassian provider is a structure with three configuration keys:

  • clientId: The Key you generated in the developer console.
  • clientSecret: The Secret tied to the generated Key.
  • scope: List of scopes the app has permissions for, separated by spaces.

NOTE: the scopes offline_access, read:jira-work, and read:jira-user are provided by default.

Adding the provider to the Backstage frontend

To add the provider to the frontend, add the atlassianAuthApi reference and SignInPage component as shown in Adding the provider to the sign-in page.