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Frontend Integration

Now that we understand how to author a permission policy, let's consider cases where we'll need to supplement our policy with authorization checks on the frontend.

In most cases, actual functionality that live within various plugins will already have been placed behind authorization by the plugin authors. The permission backend will use your permission policy to return an authorization result, and the plugin frontend will correspondingly show/hide/disable the relevant UI component.

However, there are some cases where the integrator needs to supplement the policy on the frontend. One example is app level routing.

If your Backstage permission policy may return a DENY for users requesting the catalogEntityCreatePermission, it may make sense, for example, to remove access to the /catalog-import page entirely:

import { RequirePermission } from '@backstage/plugin-permission-react';
import { catalogEntityCreatePermission } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-common';

const routes = (
<Route path="/catalog-import" element={<CatalogImportPage />} />
<RequirePermission permission={catalogEntityCreatePermission}>
<CatalogImportPage />
{/* ... */}

With this change, users who are denied the catalogEntityCreatePermission should now be unable to access the /catalog-import page.