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Registering a Component

Audience: Developers


Entity files are stored in YAML format, if you are not familiar with YAML, you can learn more about it here.


This guide will walk you through how to pull Backstage data from other locations manually. There are integrations that will automatically do this for you.


You should have already have a standalone app.

1. Finding our template

Register a new component, by going to create and choose Register existing component

Software template main screen, with a blue button to add an existing component

2. Filling out the template

For repository URL, use This is used in our demo site catalog.

Register a new component wizard, asking for an URL to the existing component YAML file

Hit Analyze and review the changes.

3. Import the entity

If the changes from Analyze are correct, click Apply.

Register a new component wizard, showing the metadata for the component YAML we use in this tutorial

You should receive a message that your entities have been added.

If you go back to Home, you should be able to find backstage. You can click it and see the details for this new entity.