Audience: Admins or Developers
Setting up authentication
There are multiple authentication providers available for you to use with Backstage, feel free to follow the instructions for adding authentication.
For this tutorial we choose to use GitHub, a free service most of you might be familiar with. For other options, see the auth provider documentation.
Go to
to create your OAuth App. The Homepage URL
should point to Backstage's
frontend, in our tutorial it would be http://localhost:3000
. The
Authorization callback URL
will point to the auth backend, which will most
likely be http://localhost:7007/api/auth/github/handler/frame
Take note of the Client ID
and the Client Secret
. Open app-config.yaml
and add your clientId
and clientSecret
to this file. It should end up
looking like this:
# see to learn about auth providers
environment: development
Add sign-in option to the frontend
Backstage will re-read the configuration. If there's no errors, that's great! We can continue with the last part of the configuration. The next step is needed to change the sign-in page, this you actually need to add in the source code.
Open packages/app/src/App.tsx
and below the last import
line, add:
import { githubAuthApiRef } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
Search for const app = createApp({
in this file, and below apis,
components: {
SignInPage: props => (
id: 'github-auth-provider',
title: 'GitHub',
message: 'Sign in using GitHub',
apiRef: githubAuthApiRef,
The default Backstage app comes with a guest Sign In Resolver. This resolver makes all users share a single "guest" identity and is only intended as a minimum requirement to quickly get up and running. You can read more about how Sign In Resolvers play a role in creating a Backstage User Identity for logged in users.
Restart Backstage from the terminal, by stopping it with Control-C
, and starting it with yarn dev
. You should be welcomed by a login prompt!
Sometimes the frontend starts before the backend resulting in errors on the sign in page. Wait for the backend to start and then reload Backstage to proceed.
To learn more about Authentication in Backstage, here are some docs you could read:
Setting up a GitHub Integration
The GitHub integration supports loading catalog entities from GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. Entities can be added to static catalog configuration, registered with the catalog-import plugin, or discovered from a GitHub organization. Users and Groups can also be loaded from an organization. While using GitHub Apps might be the best way to set up integrations, for this tutorial you'll use a Personal Access Token.
Create your Personal Access Token by opening the GitHub token creation page. Use a name to identify this token and put it in the notes field. Choose a number of days for expiration. If you have a hard time picking a number, we suggest to go for 7 days, it's a lucky number.
Set the scope to your likings. For this tutorial, selecting repo
and workflow
is required as the scaffolding job in this guide configures a GitHub actions workflow for the newly created project.
For this tutorial, we will be writing the token to app-config.local.yaml
. This file might not exist for you, so if it doesn't go ahead and create it alongside the app-config.yaml
at the root of the project.
This file should also be excluded in .gitignore
, to avoid accidental committing of this file.
In your app-config.local.yaml
go ahead and add the following:
- host:
token: ghp_urtokendeinfewinfiwebfweb # this should be the token from GitHub
That's settled. This information will be leveraged by other plugins.
If you're looking for a more production way to manage this secret, then you can do the following with the token being stored in an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN
- host:
token: ${GITHUB_TOKEN} # this will use the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN
If you've updated the configuration for your integration, it's likely that the backend will need a restart to apply these changes. To do this, stop the running instance in your terminal with Control-C
, then start it again with yarn dev
. Once the backend has restarted, retry the operation.
Some helpful links, for if you want to learn more about: