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This page contains extended documentation for some of the deprecations in various parts of Backstage. It is not an exhaustive list as most deprecation only come in the form of a changelog notice and a console warning. The deprecations listed here are the ones that need a bit more guidance than what fits in a console message.

App Theme

Released 2021-11-12 in @backstage/core-plugin-api v0.1.13

In order to provide more flexibility in what types of themes can be used and how they are applied, the theme property on the AppTheme type is being deprecated and replaced by a Provider property instead. The Provider property is a React component that will be mounted at the root of the app whenever that theme is active. This also removes the tight connection to Material UI and opens up for other type of themes, and removes the hardcoded usage of <CssBaseline>.

To migrate an existing theme, remove the theme property and move it over to a new Provider component, using ThemeProvider from Material UI to provide the new theme, along with <CssBaseline>. For example, a theme that currently looks like this:

const darkTheme = {
id: 'dark',
title: 'Dark Theme',
variant: 'dark',
icon: <DarkIcon />,
theme: darkTheme,

Would be migrated to the following:

const darkTheme = {
id: 'dark',
title: 'Dark Theme',
variant: 'dark',
icon: <DarkIcon />,
Provider: ({ children }) => (
<ThemeProvider theme={darkTheme}>

Note that the existing AppTheme type still requires the theme property to be set since it's the type that's consumed in the AppThemeApi, and it would be a breaking change to make theme optional. This means that if you currently construct the themes that you pass on to createApp using AppTheme as an intermediate type, you will need to work around this in some way, for example by passing the themes to createApp more directly.

Generic Auth API Refs

Released 2021-12-16 in @backstage/core-plugin-api v0.3.1

There are four auth Utility API references in @backstage/core-plugin-api that were too generic to be useful. The APIs in question are auth0AuthApiRef, oauth2ApiRef, oidcAuthApiRef, and samlAuthApiRef. The issue with these APIs was that they had no actual contract of what the backing auth provider was. This made it more or less impossible to use these providers in open source plugins in any meaningful way. We also did not want to keep these Utility API references around just as helpers either, instead opting to remove them and let integrators define their own APIs that are more specific to their auth provider. This is also falls in line with a long-term goal to unify all auth providers to not have separate frontend implementations.

If you're currently using one of these API references for either Sign-In or access delegation within an app, there are a couple of steps you need to take to migrate to your own custom API.

First, you'll need to define a new Utility API reference. If you're only using the API for sign-in, you can put the definition in packages/app/src/apis.ts. However, if you need to access your auth API inside plugins you you'll need to export it from a common package. If you don't already have one, we recommend creating @internal/apis and from there exporting the API reference.

// `ProfileInfoApi & BackstageIdentityApi & SessionApi` are required for sign-in
// Include `OAuthApi & OpenIdConnectApi` only if applicable
export const acmeAuthApiRef: ApiRef<
OAuthApi &
OpenIdConnectApi &
ProfileInfoApi &
BackstageIdentityApi &
> = createApiRef({
id: 'internal.auth.acme',

Next, you'll want to wire up the API inside packages/app/src/apis.ts, which varies depending on which API you're replacing. If you for example are replacing the oauth2ApiRef, the factory might look like this:

// oauth2
api: acmeAuthApiRef,
deps: {
discoveryApi: discoveryApiRef,
oauthRequestApi: oauthRequestApiRef,
configApi: configApiRef,
factory: ({ discoveryApi, oauthRequestApi, configApi }) =>
environment: configApi.getOptionalString('auth.environment'),

Provider specific factory implementations, copy the code you need into the factory method depending on which apiRef you previously used.

// samlAuthApiRef
environment: configApi.getOptionalString('auth.environment'),

// oidcAuthApiRef
provider: {
id: 'oidc',
title: 'Your Identity Provider',
icon: () => null,
environment: configApi.getOptionalString('auth.environment'),

// auth0AuthApiRef
provider: {
id: 'auth0',
title: 'Auth0',
icon: () => null,
defaultScopes: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
environment: configApi.getOptionalString('auth.environment'),

Finally, for the provider to show up in your settings menu, you also need to update the settings route in packages/app/src/App.tsx to pass the acmeAuthApiRef to the UserSettingsPage. This replaces all existing provider items, so you might want to add back any of the default ones that you are using from the DefaultProviderSettings.

description="Provides sign-in via ACME"