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Profiling can help you find performance bottlenecks in your code. This guide will show you how to profile both the backend and frontend of your Backstage application.


To profile the backend, start the backend with the --inspect flag:

yarn workspace backend start --inspect
# or `yarn workspace example-backend start --inspect` in this repository

Next you can use the Chrome DevTools to profile the backend by navigating to chrome://inspect and clicking the Open dedicated DevTools for Node link.

In the Performance tab, you can start a new recording by clicking the Start button. After you have recorded some data, you can stop the recording by clicking the Stop button. The recording will show you a flame graph of the backend's execution, which can help you identify performance issues.

You can also use the Memory tab to profile the backend's memory usage and find potential memory leaks.

It's recommended to start profiling with short periods of time to avoid too much data being collected.

Stress testing

To get more out of profiling, you might want to introduce additional load to your application with some tooling. One such tool is called AutoCannon which can be used to stress test the API endpoints of your application. You can install it globally with npm install -g autocannon.

To be able to access the API endpoints, you must configure a static token for the backend. In your app-config.yaml file, add the following configuration:

- type: static
token: autocannon12345
subject: autocannon

See more information in the Service to Service Auth documentation. To run the stress test, you can use the following command:

autocannon -H "Authorization=Bearer autocannon12345" http://localhost:7007/api/catalog/entities

See more command options in the AutoCannon documentation.


Profiling the frontend can be done by using the React DevTools extension for Chrome or Firefox. The extension is available for download from the Chrome Web Store or the Firefox Add-ons website.

To start profiling, start the application with yarn dev and open inspector in the browser. In the Profiler tab (far to the right), click the Start profiling button to start recording. After you have recorded some data by navigating through the page, click the Stop profiling button to stop the recording.