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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-github > GithubMultiOrgEntityProviderOptions

Options for GithubMultiOrgEntityProvider.


export interface GithubMultiOrgEntityProviderOptions 


events?EventsService(Optional) Passing the optional EventsService enables event-based delta updates.
githubCredentialsProvider?GithubCredentialsProvider(Optional) Optionally supply a custom credentials provider, replacing the default one.
githubUrlstringThe target that this provider should consume.
idstringA unique, stable identifier for this provider.
loggerLoggerServiceThe logger to use.
orgs?string[](Optional) The list of the GitHub orgs to consume. By default, it will consume all accessible orgs on the given GitHub instance (support for GitHub App integration only).
schedule?'manual' | TaskRunner(Optional) The refresh schedule to use.
teamTransformer?TeamTransformer(Optional) Optionally include a team transformer for transforming from GitHub teams to Group Entities. By default, groups will be namespaced according to their GitHub org.
userTransformer?UserTransformer(Optional) Optionally include a user transformer for transforming from GitHub users to User Entities