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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-github > GithubMultiOrgEntityProviderOptions

Options for GithubMultiOrgEntityProvider.


export interface GithubMultiOrgEntityProviderOptions 


alwaysUseDefaultNamespace?boolean(Optional) Use the default namespace for groups. By default, groups will be namespaced according to their GitHub org.
events?EventsService(Optional) Passing the optional EventsService enables event-based delta updates.
githubCredentialsProvider?GithubCredentialsProvider(Optional) Optionally supply a custom credentials provider, replacing the default one.
githubUrlstringThe target that this provider should consume.
idstringA unique, stable identifier for this provider.
loggerLoggerServiceThe logger to use.
orgs?string[](Optional) The list of the GitHub orgs to consume. By default, it will consume all accessible orgs on the given GitHub instance (support for GitHub App integration only).
schedule?'manual' | SchedulerServiceTaskRunner(Optional) The refresh schedule to use.
teamTransformer?TeamTransformer(Optional) Optionally include a team transformer for transforming from GitHub teams to Group Entities. By default, groups will be namespaced according to their GitHub org.
userTransformer?UserTransformer(Optional) Optionally include a user transformer for transforming from GitHub users to User Entities