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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-msgraph > MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptions

Warning: This API is now obsolete.

This interface exists for backwards compatibility only and will be removed in the future.

Legacy options for MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProvider based on catalog.processors.microsoftGraphOrg.


export interface MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptions 


groupTransformer?GroupTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms a group entry in msgraph to an entity.
idstringA unique, stable identifier for this provider.
loggerLoggerServiceThe logger to use.
organizationTransformer?OrganizationTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms an organization entry in msgraph to an entity.
providerConfigTransformer?ProviderConfigTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms provider config dynamically.
schedule'manual' | SchedulerServiceTaskRunnerThe refresh schedule to use.

The target that this provider should consume.

Should exactly match the "target" field of one of the provider configuration entries.

userTransformer?UserTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms a user entry in msgraph to an entity.