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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-msgraph

A Backstage catalog backend module that helps integrate towards Microsoft Graph



A HTTP Client that communicates with Microsoft Graph API. Simplify Authentication and API calls to get User and Group from Microsoft Graph

Uses msal-node for authentication

MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProviderReads user and group entries out of Microsoft Graph, and provides them as User and Group entities for the catalog.
MicrosoftGraphOrgReaderProcessorExtracts teams and users out of the Microsoft Graph API.


defaultGroupTransformer(group, groupPhoto)The default implementation of the transformation from a graph group entry to a Group entity.
defaultOrganizationTransformer(organization)The default implementation of the transformation from a graph organization entry to a Group entity.
defaultUserTransformer(user, userPhoto)The default implementation of the transformation from a graph user entry to a User entity.
normalizeEntityName(name)Takes an input string and cleans it up to become suitable as an entity name.
readMicrosoftGraphConfig(config)Parses configuration.
readMicrosoftGraphOrg(client, tenantId, options)Reads an entire org as Group and User entities.
readProviderConfig(id, config)Parses a single configured provider by id.
readProviderConfigs(config)Parses all configured providers.


MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptionsLegacy options for MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProvider based on catalog.processors.microsoftGraphOrg.


MICROSOFT_EMAIL_ANNOTATIONThe (primary) user email. Also used by the Microsoft auth provider to resolve the User entity.
MICROSOFT_GRAPH_GROUP_ID_ANNOTATIONThe group id used by the Microsoft Graph API
MICROSOFT_GRAPH_TENANT_ID_ANNOTATIONThe tenant id used by the Microsoft Graph API
MICROSOFT_GRAPH_USER_ID_ANNOTATIONThe user id used by the Microsoft Graph API

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
GroupMemberExtends the base msgraph types to include the odata type.
GroupTransformerCustomize the ingested Group entity
MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProviderOptionsOptions for MicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProvider.
MicrosoftGraphProviderConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Microsoft Graph provider.

OData (Open Data Protocol) Query

OrganizationTransformerCustomize the ingested organization Group entity

Customize the MSGraph Provider Config Dynamically

Transforming fields that are not used for each scheduled ingestion (e.g., id, schedule) will have no effect.

UserTransformerCustomize the ingested User entity