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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-ldap > LdapOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptions

Warning: This API is now obsolete.

This interface exists for backwards compatibility only and will be removed in the future.

Options for LdapOrgEntityProvider.


export interface LdapOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptions 


groupTransformer?GroupTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms a group entry in LDAP to an entity.
idstringA unique, stable identifier for this provider.
loggerLoggerServiceThe logger to use.
schedule'manual' | SchedulerServiceTaskRunnerThe refresh schedule to use.

The target that this provider should consume.

Should exactly match the "target" field of one of the "ldap.providers" configuration entries.

userTransformer?UserTransformer(Optional) The function that transforms a user entry in LDAP to an entity.