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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-ldap

A Backstage catalog backend module that helps integrate towards LDAP



Basic wrapper for the ldapjs library.

Helps out with promisifying calls, paging, binding etc.

LdapOrgEntityProviderReads user and group entries out of an LDAP service, and provides them as User and Group entities for the catalog.
LdapOrgReaderProcessorExtracts teams and users out of an LDAP server.


defaultGroupTransformer(vendor, config, entry)The default implementation of the transformation from an LDAP entry to a Group entity.
defaultUserTransformer(vendor, config, entry)The default implementation of the transformation from an LDAP entry to a User entity.
mapStringAttr(entry, vendor, attributeName, setter)

Maps a single-valued attribute to a consumer.

This helper can be useful when implementing a user or group transformer.

readLdapLegacyConfig(config)Parses configuration.
readLdapOrg(client, userConfig, groupConfig, vendorConfig, options)Reads users and groups out of an LDAP provider.
readProviderConfigs(config)Parses all configured providers.


LdapOrgEntityProviderLegacyOptionsOptions for LdapOrgEntityProvider.
LdapOrgEntityProviderTransformsExtensionPointInterface for LdapOrgEntityProviderTransformsExtensionPoint.


catalogModuleLdapOrgEntityProviderRegisters the LdapOrgEntityProvider with the catalog processing extension point.

The name of an entity annotation, that references the DN of the LDAP object it was ingested from.

The DN is the fully qualified name that identifies the item; for example, for an item with the DN uid=john,ou=people,ou=spotify,dc=spotify,dc=net the generated entity would have this annotation, with that full string as its value.


The name of an entity annotation, that references the RDN of the LDAP object it was ingested from.

The RDN is the name of the leftmost attribute that identifies the item; for example, for an item with the fully qualified DN uid=john,ou=people,ou=spotify,dc=spotify,dc=net the generated entity would have this annotation, with the value "john".


The name of an entity annotation, that references the UUID of the LDAP object it was ingested from.

The UUID is the globally unique ID that identifies the item; for example, for an item with the UUID 76ef928a-b251-1037-9840-d78227f36a7e, the generated entity would have this annotation, with that full string as its value.

ldapOrgEntityProviderTransformsExtensionPointExtension point used to customize the transforms used by the module.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
BindConfigThe settings to use for the a command.
GroupConfigThe settings that govern the reading and interpretation of groups.
GroupTransformerCustomize the ingested Group entity
LdapOrgEntityProviderOptionsOptions for LdapOrgEntityProvider.
LdapProviderConfigThe configuration parameters for a single LDAP provider.
LdapVendorAn LDAP Vendor handles unique nuances between different vendors.
TLSConfigTLS settings
UserConfigThe settings that govern the reading and interpretation of users.
UserTransformerCustomize the ingested User entity

Configuration for LDAP vendor-specific attributes.

Allows custom attribute names for distinguished names (DN) and universally unique identifiers (UUID) in LDAP directories.