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Validate your OpenAPI spec against test data

OpenAPI Validation using Test Cases

This is primarily performed by backstage-repo-tools repo schema openapi test. Any errors found in the generated specs can be either

  1. Fixed manually, this is usually relevant for request body or response body changes.
  2. Fixed automatically with backstage-repo-tools repo schema openapi test --update.
  3. Fixing the test case. This can happen where a response is mocked as
it('should return the right value', () => {
// We will assume that this is the actual response and update the spec accordingly.
// Ideally, this should be a fully populated return value.
const entity: Entity = {} as any;
app.get('/test', () => {
return entity;
const response = await request(app).get('/test');

will cause an invalid spec validation. The return value doesn't have all properties as defined in the type. Try to avoid this if possible. Something better would be,

it('should return the right value', () => {
// We will assume that this is the actual response and update the spec accordingly.
// Ideally, this should be a fully populated return value.
const entity: Entity = {
apiVersion: 'a1',
kind: 'k1',
metadata: { name: 'n1' },
app.get('/test', () => {
return entity;
const response = await request(app).get('/test');

Additionally, for more advanced use cases, you can run yarn optic capture {PATH_TO_OPENAPI_FILE} --update interactive and go through the prompts on the screen. Under the hood, the test validation + updating is done by Optic, a great project around supporting OpenAPI specs and development. You can find additional options here.