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Generate a client from your OpenAPI spec

How to generate a client with repo-tools package schema openapi generate client?


  1. Set your OpenAPI file's info.title to your pluginID like so,
# your pluginId
title: catalog
  1. Find or create a new plugin to house your new generated client. Currently, we do not support generating an entirely new plugin and instead just generate client files.

Generating your client

  1. Run yarn backstage-repo-tools package schema openapi generate client --client-package <directory>. This will create a new folder in <directory>/src/generated to house the generated content.
  2. You should use the generated files as follows,
  • apis/DefaultApi.client.ts - this is the client that you should use. It has types for all of the various operations on your API.
  • models/* - These are the types generated from your OpenAPI file, ideally you should not need to use these directly and can instead use the inferred types from apis/DefaultApi.client.ts.
  • everything else is directory specific and shouldn't be touched.