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Bitbucket Server Discovery


This documentation is written for the old backend which has been replaced by the new backend system, being the default since Backstage version 1.24. If have migrated to the new backend system, you may want to read its own article instead. Otherwise, consider migrating!

The Bitbucket Server integration has a special entity provider for discovering catalog files located in Bitbucket Server. The provider will search your Bitbucket Server account and register catalog files matching the configured path as Location entity and via following processing steps add all contained catalog entities. This can be useful as an alternative to static locations or manually adding things to the catalog.


You will have to add the entity provider in the catalog initialization code of your backend. The provider is not installed by default, therefore you have to add a dependency to @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-bitbucket-server to your backend package.

# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-bitbucket-server

And then add the entity provider to your catalog builder:

import { BitbucketServerEntityProvider } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-bitbucket-server';

export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const builder = await CatalogBuilder.create(env);
BitbucketServerEntityProvider.fromConfig(env.config, {
logger: env.logger,
scheduler: env.scheduler,

// ..


To use the entity provider, you'll need a Bitbucket Server integration set up.

Additionally, you need to configure your entity provider instance(s):

yourProviderId: # identifies your ingested dataset
host: ''
catalogPath: /catalog-info.yaml # default value
filters: # optional
projectKey: '^apis-.*$' # optional; RegExp
repoSlug: '^service-.*$' # optional; RegExp
skipArchivedRepos: true # optional; boolean
schedule: # same options as in TaskScheduleDefinition
# supports cron, ISO duration, "human duration" as used in code
frequency: { minutes: 30 }
# supports ISO duration, "human duration" as used in code
timeout: { minutes: 3 }
  • host: The host of the Bitbucket Server instance, note: the host needs to registered as an integration as well, see location.
  • catalogPath (optional): Default: /catalog-info.yaml. Path where to look for catalog-info.yaml files. When started with /, it is an absolute path from the repo root.
  • filters (optional):
    • projectKey (optional): Regular expression used to filter results based on the project key.
    • repoSlug (optional): Regular expression used to filter results based on the repo slug.
    • skipArchivedRepos (optional): Boolean flag to filter out archived repositories.
  • schedule:
    • frequency: How often you want the task to run. The system does its best to avoid overlapping invocations.
    • timeout: The maximum amount of time that a single task invocation can take.
    • initialDelay (optional): The amount of time that should pass before the first invocation happens.
    • scope (optional): 'global' or 'local'. Sets the scope of concurrency control.

Custom location processing

The Bitbucket Server Entity Provider will by default emit a location for each matching repository. However, it is possible to override this functionality and take full control of how each matching repository is processed.

BitbucketServerEntityProvider.fromConfig takes an optional parameter options.parser where you can set your own parser to be used for each matched repository.

const provider = BitbucketServerEntityProvider.fromConfig(env.config, {
logger: env.logger,
schedule: env.scheduler,
parser: async function* customLocationParser(options: {
location: LocationSpec;
client: BitbucketServerClient;
}) {
// Custom logic for interpreting the matching repository
// See defaultBitbucketServerLocationParser for an example