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Bitbucket Cloud Locations

The Bitbucket Cloud integration supports loading catalog entities from Entities can be added to static catalog configuration, or registered with the catalog-import plugin.



A public Bitbucket Cloud provider is added automatically at startup for convenience, so you only need to list it if you want to supply credentials.


The credential used for this is type App Password. An Atlassian Account API key will not work.

Directly under the bitbucketCloud key is a list of provider configurations, where you can list the Bitbucket Cloud providers you want to fetch data from. In the case of Bitbucket Cloud, you will have up to one entry.

This one entry will have the following elements:

  • username: The Bitbucket Cloud username to use in API requests. If neither a username nor token are supplied, anonymous access will be used.
  • appPassword: The app password for the Bitbucket Cloud user.