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Permissions Service

This service allows your plugins to ask the permissions framework for authorization of user actions.

Using the service

The following example shows how to get the permissions service in your example backend to check to see if the user is allowed to perform a certain action with a custom permission rule.

import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { NotAllowedError } from '@backstage/errors';
import { AuthorizeResult } from '@backstage/plugin-permission-common';
import Router from 'express-promise-router';

export default createBackendPlugin({
pluginId: 'example',
register(env) {
deps: {
permissions: coreServices.permissions,
httpRouter: coreServices.httpRouter,
httpAuth: coreServices.httpAuth,
async init({ permissions, httpRouter, httpAuth }) {
const endpoints = Router();
endpoints.get('/test-me', (request, response) => {
// Ask the permissions framework what the decision is for the given
// permission, for the principal that made the original request. The
// `httpAuth` service helps us extract those credentials. We authorize
// a single permission here, so the result will be an array with one
// element accordingly.
const permissionResponse = await permissions.authorize(
[{ permission: myCustomPermission }],
{ credentials: await httpAuth.credentials(request) },

if (permissionResponse[0].result !== AuthorizeResult.ALLOW) {
throw new NotAllowedError(
'You are not permitted to perform this action',

// TODO: Actual code goes here
