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Identity Service

When working with backend plugins, you might find that you will need to interact with the auth-backend plugin to both authenticate backstage tokens, and to deconstruct them to get the user's entity ref and/or ownership claims out of them.

Using the service

The following example shows how to get the identity service in your example backend plugin and retrieve the user's entity ref and ownership claims for the incoming request.

import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { Router } from 'express';

pluginId: 'example',
register(env) {
deps: {
identity: coreServices.identity,
http: coreServices.httpRouter,
async init({ http, identity }) {
const router = Router();
router.get('/test-me', (request, response) => {
// use the identity service to pull out the header from the request and get the user
const {
identity: { userEntityRef, ownershipEntityRefs },
} = await identity.getIdentity({

// send the decoded and validated things back to the user


Configuring the service

There's additional configuration that you can optionally pass to setup the identity core service.

  • issuer - Set an optional issuer for validation of the JWT token
  • algorithms - alg header for validation of the JWT token, defaults to ES256. More info on supported algorithms can be found in the jose library documentation

You can configure these additional options by adding an override for the core service when calling createBackend like follows:

import { identityServiceFactory } from '@backstage/backend-app-api';

const backend = createBackend();

issuer: 'backstage',
algorithms: ['ES256', 'RS256'],