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Google Authentication Provider

The Backstage core-plugin-api package comes with a Google authentication provider that can authenticate users using Google OAuth.

Create OAuth Credentials

To support Google authentication, you must create OAuth credentials:

  1. Log in to the Google Console
  2. Select or create a new project from the dropdown menu on the top bar
  3. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials
  4. Click Create Credentials and choose OAuth client ID
  5. Configure an OAuth consent screen, if required
    • For local development, you do not need to enter any Authorized domain
    • For scopes, select openid, auth/ and auth/userinfo.profile
    • Add yourself as a test user, if using External user type
  6. Set Application Type to Web Application with these settings:
  7. Click Create


The provider configuration can then be added to your app-config.yaml under the root auth configuration:

environment: development
## uncomment to set lifespan of user session
# sessionDuration: { hours: 24 } # supports `ms` library format (e.g. '24h', '2 days'), ISO duration, "human duration" as used in code
# See for more resolvers
- resolver: emailMatchingUserEntityAnnotation

The Google provider is a structure with two configuration keys:

  • clientId: The client ID that you generated, e.g.
  • clientSecret: The client secret tied to the generated client ID.


  • sessionDuration: Lifespan of the user session.


This provider includes several resolvers out of the box that you can use:

  • emailMatchingUserEntityProfileEmail: Matches the email address from the auth provider with the User entity that has a matching If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.
  • emailLocalPartMatchingUserEntityName: Matches the local part of the email address from the auth provider with the User entity that has a matching name. If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.
  • emailMatchingUserEntityAnnotation: Matches the email address from the auth provider with the User entity where the value of the annotation matches. If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.

The resolvers will be tried in order, but will only be skipped if they throw a NotFoundError.

If these resolvers do not fit your needs you can build a custom resolver, this is covered in the Building Custom Resolvers section of the Sign-in Identities and Resolvers documentation.

Backend Installation

To add the provider to the backend we will first need to install the package by running this command:

from your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-google-provider

Then we will need to add this line:

in packages/backend/src/index.ts

Adding the provider to the Backstage frontend

To add the provider to the frontend, add the googleAuthApiRef reference and SignInPage component as shown in Adding the provider to the sign-in page.