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Release v1.9.0


Minor Changes

  • de8a975911: Changed to use native AbortController and AbortSignal from Node.js, instead of the one from node-abort-controller. This is possible now that the minimum supported Node.js version of the project is 16.

    Note that their interfaces are very slightly different, but typically not in a way that matters to consumers. If you see any typescript errors as a direct result from this, they are compatible with each other in the ways that we interact with them, and should be possible to type-cast across without ill effects.

Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 98776e638a: Fixed GitlabUrlReader to include api tokens in API calls
  • 1f2b2de3fe: exported KubernetesContainerRunner, KubernetesContainerRunnerOptions, KubernetesContainerRunnerMountBase
  • 840f2113c6: Fix GitlabUrlReader.readTree bug when there were no matching commits
  • 20a5161f04: Adds MySQL support for the catalog-backend
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 9ce7866ecd: Updated dependency @kubernetes/client-node to 0.18.0.
  • 3c1302c07d: Updated dependency @types/http-errors to ^2.0.0.
  • 6b82598bd8: Added the ability to understand Job Artifact URLs to the GitLab integration
  • dfc8edf9c5: Internal refactor to avoid usage of deprecated symbols.
  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology
  • 8646067e07: Fixed SingleHostDiscovery so that it properly handles single-string backend.listen configurations such as :80.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config-loader@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 884d749b14: BREAKING: All core service references are now exported via a single coreServices object. For example, the loggerServiceRef is now accessed via coreServices.logger instead.
  • a025190552: BREAKING: All service interfaces are now suffixed with *Service.

Patch Changes

  • cb1c2781c0: Updated LoggerService interface with more log methods and meta.
  • d6dbf1792b: Added initial support for registering shutdown hooks via lifecycleServiceRef.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • de8a975911: Changed to use native AbortController and AbortSignal from Node.js, instead of the one from node-abort-controller. This is possible now that the minimum supported Node.js version of the project is 16.

    Note that their interfaces are very slightly different, but typically not in a way that matters to consumers. If you see any typescript errors as a direct result from this, they are compatible with each other in the ways that we interact with them, and should be possible to type-cast across without ill effects.

Patch Changes

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 00d90b520a: BREAKING PRODUCERS: Added a new getEntitiesByRefs endpoint to CatalogApi, for efficient batch fetching of entities by ref.

Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Minor Changes

  • 736f893f72: The Jest configuration that was previously enabled with BACKSTAGE_NEXT_TESTS is now enabled by default. To revert to the old configuration you can now instead set BACKSTAGE_OLD_TESTS.

    This new configuration uses the babel coverage provider rather than v8. It used to be that v8 worked better when using Sucrase for transpilation, but now that we have switched to SWC, babel seems to work better. In addition, the new configuration also enables source maps by default, as they no longer have a negative impact on code coverage accuracy, and it also enables a modified Jest runtime with additional caching of script objects.

Patch Changes

  • 91d050c140: changed tests created by create-plugin to follow eslint-rules best practices particularly testing-library/prefer-screen-queries and testing-library/render-result-naming-convention
  • 43b2b9c791: Removed the unused dependency on @sucrase/jest-plugin.
  • dd721148b5: Updated Jest coverage configuration to only apply either in the root project or package configuration, depending on whether repo or package tests are run.
  • 5850ef9b84: Fix webpack dev server issue where it wasn't serving index.html from correct endpoint on subsequent requests.
  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 459a3457e1: Bump msw version in default plugin/app templates
  • c27eabef6b: Adds new web-library package option when generating a new plugin
  • 8fffe42708: JSX and React Fast Refresh transforms are no longer enabled when bundling backend code.
  • 309f2daca4: Updated dependency esbuild to ^0.16.0.
  • ee14bab716: Updated dependency minimatch to 5.1.1 and switch version range to ^.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • ed0cf59c59: Updated dependency @rollup/plugin-commonjs to ^23.0.0.
  • 16b7c2fccd: Updated dependency @rollup/plugin-yaml to ^4.0.0.
  • 086c0bbb45: Updated dependency @rollup/plugin-json to ^5.0.0.
  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology
  • d9d9a7a134: Removed all copyright notices from package templates.
  • 8e0358e18d: Added --skip-install parameter to backstage-cli versions:bump
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config-loader@1.1.7
    • @backstage/release-manifests@0.0.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • e0d9c9559a: Added a new AppRouter component and app.createRoot() method that replaces app.getRouter() and app.getProvider(), which are now deprecated. The new AppRouter component is a drop-in replacement for the old router component, while the new app.createRoot() method is used instead of the old provider component.

    An old app setup might look like this:

    const app = createApp(/* ... */);

    const AppProvider = app.getProvider();
    const AppRouter = app.getRouter();

    const routes = ...;

    const App = () => (
    <AlertDisplay />
    <OAuthRequestDialog />

    export default App;

    With these new APIs, the setup now looks like this:

    import { AppRouter } from '@backstage/core-app-api';

    const app = createApp(/* ... */);

    const routes = ...;

    export default app.createRoot(
    <AlertDisplay />
    <OAuthRequestDialog />

    Note that app.createRoot() accepts a React element, rather than a component.

Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • b4b5b02315: Tweak feature flag registration so that it happens immediately before the first rendering of the app, rather than just after.
  • 6870b43dd1: Fix for the automatic rewriting of base URLs.
  • 203271b746: Prevent duplicate feature flag components from rendering in the settings when using components
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology
  • 653d7912ac: Made WebStorage notify its subscribers when localStorage values change in other tabs/windows
  • 63310e3987: Apps will now rewrite the app.baseUrl configuration to match the current location.origin. The backend.baseUrl will also be rewritten in the same way when the app.baseUrl and backend.baseUrl have matching origins. This will reduce the need for separate frontend builds for different environments.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 9a1864976a: Added a new display property to the AlertMessage which can accept the values permanent or transient.

    Here's a rough example of how to trigger an alert using the new display property:

    import { alertApiRef, useApi } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';

    const ExampleTransient = () => {
    const alertApi = useApi(alertApiRef);{
    message: 'Example of Transient Alert',
    severity: 'success',
    display: 'transient',

Patch Changes

  • d56127c712: useRouteRef - Limit re-resolving to location pathname changes only
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 13278732f6: New package for AWS integration node library

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 99713fd671: Introducing repo-tools package

  • 03843259b4: Api reference documentation improvements

    • breadcrumbs links semantics as code spans
    • new @config annotation to describe related config keys

Patch Changes

  • 9b1193f277: declare dependencies

  • a8611bcac4: Add new command options to the api-report

    • added --allow-warnings, -a to continue processing packages if selected packages have warnings
    • added --allow-all-warnings to continue processing packages any packages have warnings
    • added --omit-messages, -o to pass some warnings messages code to be omitted from the files
    • The paths argument for this command now takes as default the value on workspaces.packages inside the root package.json
    • change the path resolution to use the @backstage/cli-common packages instead
  • 25ec5c0c3a: Include asset-types.d.ts while running the api report command

  • 71f80eb354: add the command type-deps to the repo tool package.

  • ac440299ef: Updated api docs generation to be compatible with Docusaurus 2-alpha and 2.x.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11


Minor Changes

  • 6ffa47bb0a: Fixes in kind selectors (now OwnershipCard works again). EntityKindPicker now accepts an optional allowedKinds prop, just like CatalogKindHeader.
  • 462c1d012e: Removed CatalogKindHeader from DefaultCatalogPage. Deprecated CatalogKindHeader in favour of EntityKindPicker.

Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • ca04d97b09: Handle refresh entity error in AboutCard.
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • a19cffbeed: Update search links to only have header as linkable text
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • 387d1d5218: Fixed Entity kind pluralisation in the CatalogKindHeader component.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Minor Changes

  • 16891a212c: Added new POST /entities/by-refs endpoint, which allows you to efficiently batch-fetch entities by their entity ref. This can be useful e.g. in graphql resolvers or similar contexts where you need to fetch many entities at the same time.

  • 273ba3a77f: Deprecated Prometheus metrics in favour of OpenTelemtry metrics.

  • c395abb5b2: The catalog no longer stops after the first processor validateEntityKind method returns true when validating entity kind shapes. Instead, it continues through all registered processors that have this method, and requires that at least one of them returned true.

    The old behavior of stopping early made it harder to extend existing core kinds with additional fields, since the BuiltinKindsEntityProcessor is always present at the top of the processing chain and ensures that your additional validation code would never be run.

    This is technically a breaking change, although it should not affect anybody under normal circumstances, except if you had problematic validation code that you were unaware that it was not being run. That code may now start to exhibit those problems.

    If you need to disable this new behavior, CatalogBuilder as used in your packages/backend/src/plugins/catalog.ts file now has a useLegacySingleProcessorValidation() method to go back to the old behavior.

     const builder = await CatalogBuilder.create(env);
  • 3072ebfdd7: The search table also holds the original entity value now and the facets endpoint fetches the filtered entity data from the search table.

Patch Changes

  • ba13ff663c: Added a new catalog.rules[].location configuration that makes it possible to configure catalog rules to only apply to specific locations, either via exact match or a glob pattern.
  • d8593ce0e6: Do not use deprecated LocationSpec from the @backstage/plugin-catalog-node package
  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.
  • 2a8e3cc0b5: Optimize Stitcher process to be more memory efficient
  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • eacc8e2b55: Make it possible for entity providers to supply only entity refs, instead of full entities, in delta mutation deletions.
  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 5b3e2afa45: Fixed deprecated use of substr into substring.
  • 71147d5c16: Internal code reorganization.
  • 93870e4df1: Track the last time the final entity changed with new timestamp "last updated at" data in final entities database, which gets updated with the time when final entity is updated.
  • 20a5161f04: Adds MySQL support for the catalog-backend
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • e982f77fe3: Registered shutdown hook in experimental catalog plugin.
  • b3fac9c107: Ignore attempts at emitting the current entity as a child of itself.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-common@1.2.3


Minor Changes

  • 98c643a1a2: Introduces incremental entity providers, which are used for streaming very large data sources into the catalog.

Patch Changes

  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • de8a975911: Changed to use native AbortController and AbortSignal from Node.js, instead of the one from node-abort-controller. This is possible now that the minimum supported Node.js version of the project is 16.

    Note that their interfaces are very slightly different, but typically not in a way that matters to consumers. If you see any typescript errors as a direct result from this, they are compatible with each other in the ways that we interact with them, and should be possible to type-cast across without ill effects.

  • 05a928e296: Updated usages of types from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • 61d4efe978: Make incremental providers more resilient to failures

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/backend-test-utils@0.1.31
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • eacc8e2b55: Make it possible for entity providers to supply only entity refs, instead of full entities, in delta mutation deletions.

Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Minor Changes

  • cf41eedf43: BREAKING: Remove required field router at HttpPostIngressEventPublisher.fromConfig and replace it with bind(router: Router). Additionally, the path prefix /http will be added inside HttpPostIngressEventPublisher.

    // at packages/backend/src/plugins/events.ts
    const eventsRouter = Router();
    - const httpRouter = Router();
    - eventsRouter.use('/http', httpRouter);

    const http = HttpPostIngressEventPublisher.fromConfig({
    config: env.config,
    logger: env.logger,
    - router: httpRouter,
    + http.bind(eventsRouter);

Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • cf41eedf43: Introduce a new interface RequestDetails to abstract Request providing access to request body and headers.

    BREAKING: Replace request: Request with request: RequestDetails at RequestValidator.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • cf41eedf43: Introduce a new interface RequestDetails to abstract Request providing access to request body and headers.

    BREAKING: Replace request: Request with request: RequestDetails at RequestValidator.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0


Minor Changes

  • 2db8acffe7: Kubernetes plugin now gracefully surfaces transport-level errors (like DNS or timeout, or other socket errors) occurring while fetching data. This will be merged into any data that is fetched successfully, fixing a bug where the whole page would be empty if any fetch operation encountered such an error.

Patch Changes

  • 22e20b3a59: Clusters declared in the app-config can now have their CA configured via a local filesystem path using the caFile property.
  • 9ce7866ecd: Updated dependency @kubernetes/client-node to 0.18.0.
  • b585179770: Added Kubernetes proxy API route to backend Kubernetes plugin, allowing Backstage plugin developers to read/write new information from Kubernetes (if proper credentials are provided).
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.5.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-test-utils@0.1.31
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 2db8acffe7: Kubernetes plugin now gracefully surfaces transport-level errors (like DNS or timeout, or other socket errors) occurring while fetching data. This will be merged into any data that is fetched successfully, fixing a bug where the whole page would be empty if any fetch operation encountered such an error.

Patch Changes

  • 9ce7866ecd: Updated dependency @kubernetes/client-node to 0.18.0.
  • b585179770: Added Kubernetes proxy API route to backend Kubernetes plugin, allowing Backstage plugin developers to read/write new information from Kubernetes (if proper credentials are provided).
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Minor Changes

  • ddd1c3308d: Implement Custom Field Explorer to view and play around with available installed custom field extensions
  • adb1b01e32: Adds the ability to supply a transformErrors function to the Stepper for /next
  • 34a48cdc4f: The RepoUrlPicker field extension now has an allowedProjects option for narrowing the selection of Bitbucket URLs.

Patch Changes

  • d4d07cf55e: Enabling the customization of the last step in the scaffolder template.

    To override the content you have to do the next:

    <TemplatePage ReviewStepComponent={YourCustomComponent} />
  • ef803022f1: Initialize all formData in the Stepper in /next

  • 9b1fadf6d8: Added noHtml5Validate prop to FormProps on NextScaffolderPage

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.

  • 9000952e87: Form data is now passed to validator functions in 'next' scaffolder, so it's now possible to perform validation for fields that depend on other field values. This is something that we discourage due to the coupling that it creates, but is sometimes still the most sensible solution.

    export const myCustomValidation = (
    value: string,
    validation: FieldValidation,
    { apiHolder, formData }: { apiHolder: ApiHolder; formData: JsonObject },
    ) => {
    // validate
  • 5b10b2485a: Parse formData from window.location.query for scaffolder/next

  • 57ad6553d0: Pass through transformErrors to TemplateWizardPage

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.

  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.

  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.

  • 5fb6d5e92e: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^19.0.0.

  • 146378c146: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^20.0.0.

  • 380f549b75: bump @rjsf/*-v5 dependencies

  • a63e2df559: fixed headerOptions not passed to TemplatePage component

  • 9b606366bf: Bump json-schema-library to version ^7.3.9 which does not pull in the gson-pointer library

  • db6310b6a0: Show input type array correctly on installed actions page.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-common@1.2.3


Minor Changes

  • a20a0ea698: Added requiredConversationResolution template option to github:repo:create, github:repo:push and publish:github

  • b32005e98a: Deprecated the taskWorkers option in RouterOptions in favor of concurrentTasksLimit which sets the limit of concurrent tasks in a single TaskWorker

    TaskWorker can now run multiple (defaults to 10) tasks concurrently using the concurrentTasksLimit option available in both RouterOptions and CreateWorkerOptions.

    To use the option to create a TaskWorker:

    const worker = await TaskWorker.create({
    + concurrentTasksLimit: 10 // (1 to Infinity)
  • fc51bd8aa0: Add support for disabling Github repository wiki, issues and projects

  • 0053d07bee: Update the github:publish action to allow passing wether to dismiss stale reviews on the protected default branch.

Patch Changes

  • cb716004ef: Internal refactor to improve tests
  • 935b66a646: Change step output template examples to use square bracket syntax.
  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 26404430bc: Use Json types from @backstage/types
  • b07ccffad0: Backend now returns 'ui:options' value from template metadata, it can be used by all your custom scaffolder components.
  • 309f2daca4: Updated dependency esbuild to ^0.16.0.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-common@1.2.3


Minor Changes

  • 29ebc43a0b: numberOfResults is now provided alongside the query result

Patch Changes

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@1.1.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 29ebc43a0b: numberOfResults is now provided alongside the query result
  • dff9843718: The search engine now better handles the case when it receives 0 documents at index-time. Prior to this change, the indexer would replace any existing index with an empty index, effectively deleting it. Now instead, a warning is logged, and any existing index is left alone (preserving the index from the last successful indexing attempt).
  • d09485ea79: Added support for self hosted OpenSearch via new provider

Patch Changes

  • 45eb4d23cf: Fixed a bug that prevented indices from being cleaned up under some circumstances, which could have led to shard exhaustion.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • e48fc1f1ae: Added the option to pass a logger to PgSearchEngine during instantiation. You may do so as follows:

    const searchEngine = await PgSearchEngine.fromConfig(env.config, {
    database: env.database,
    + logger: env.logger,
  • dff9843718: The search engine now better handles the case when it receives 0 documents at index-time. Prior to this change, the indexer would replace any existing index with an empty index, effectively deleting it. Now instead, a warning is logged, and any existing index is left alone (preserving the index from the last successful indexing attempt).

Patch Changes

  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@1.1.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 29ebc43a0b: numberOfResults is now provided alongside the query result
  • dff9843718: The search engine now better handles the case when it receives 0 documents at index-time. Prior to this change, the indexer would replace any existing index with an empty index, effectively deleting it. Now instead, a warning is logged, and any existing index is left alone (preserving the index from the last successful indexing attempt).

Patch Changes

  • a962ce0551: Wait for indexer initialization before finalizing indexing.

  • de8a975911: Changed to use native AbortController and AbortSignal from Node.js, instead of the one from node-abort-controller. This is possible now that the minimum supported Node.js version of the project is 16.

    Note that their interfaces are very slightly different, but typically not in a way that matters to consumers. If you see any typescript errors as a direct result from this, they are compatible with each other in the ways that we interact with them, and should be possible to type-cast across without ill effects.

  • 683ced83f6: Fixed a bug that could cause a max listeners exceeded warning to be logged when more than 10 collators were running simultaneously.

  • 81b1e7b0fe: Updated indexer and decorator base classes to take advantage of features introduced in Node.js v16; be sure you are running a supported version of Node.js.

  • 54c5836f7a: Use of TestPipeline.withSubject() is now deprecated. Instead, use the fromCollator, fromDecorator, or fromIndexer static methods to instantiate a test pipeline. You may also use the class' withCollator, withDecorator, and withIndexer instance methods to build test pipelines that consist of multiple test subjects.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 29ebc43a0b: numberOfResults (total number of results for a given query) can now be provided by each search engine and consumed as part of the search results response

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2


Minor Changes

  • 29ebc43a0b: The value of a search analytics event is now set as the total number of search results (when available)

Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • a19cffbeed: Update search links to only have header as linkable text
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Minor Changes

  • 6b59903bfa: Parts of plugin-sonarqube have been moved into a new plugin-sonarqube-react package. Additionally some types that were previously internal to plugin-sonarqube have been made public and will allow access for third-parties. As the sonarqube plugin has not yet reached 1.0 breaking changes are expected in the future. As such exports of plugin-sonarqube-react require importing via the /alpha entrypoint:

    import { sonarQubeApiRef } from '@backstage/plugin-sonarqube-react/alpha';

    const sonarQubeApi = useApi(sonarQubeApiRef);

    Moved from plugin-sonarqube to plugin-sonarqube-react:

    • isSonarQubeAvailable

    Exports that been introduced to plugin-sonarqube-react are documented in the API report.

Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 17a8e32f39: Updated dependency rc-progress to 3.4.1.
  • 3dee2f5ad0: Added links to the frontend and backend plugins in the readme.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-sonarqube-react@0.1.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Minor Changes

  • 6b59903bfa: Parts of plugin-sonarqube have been moved into a new plugin-sonarqube-react package. Additionally some types that were previously internal to plugin-sonarqube have been made public and will allow access for third-parties. As the sonarqube plugin has not yet reached 1.0 breaking changes are expected in the future. As such exports of plugin-sonarqube-react require importing via the /alpha entrypoint:

    import { sonarQubeApiRef } from '@backstage/plugin-sonarqube-react/alpha';

    const sonarQubeApi = useApi(sonarQubeApiRef);

    Moved from plugin-sonarqube to plugin-sonarqube-react:

    • isSonarQubeAvailable

    Exports that been introduced to plugin-sonarqube-react are documented in the API report.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-node@1.4.3
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Minor Changes

  • 786f1b1419: Support older versions of react-router

Patch Changes

  • cb716004ef: Internal refactor to improve tests
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 29bdda5442: Added the ability to fully customize settings page. Deprecated UserSettingsTab in favour of SettingsLayout.Route

Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • cb1c2781c0: Updated logger implementations to match interface changes.
  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • afa3bf5657: Added .stop() method to Backend.
  • d6dbf1792b: Added lifecycleFactory implementation.
  • 05a928e296: Updated usages of types from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 5260d8fc7d: Root scoped services are now always initialized, regardless of whether they're used by any features.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • d6dbf1792b: Added lifecycleFactory to default service factories.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-app-api@0.2.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • afa3bf5657: Backends started with startTestBackend are now automatically stopped after all tests have run.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-app-api@0.2.4
    • @backstage/cli@0.22.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 40e7e6e1a2: Updated dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.55.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • a236a8830d: Update sidebar icon alignment

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries

  • ea4a5be8f3: Create a variable for minimum height and add a prop named 'fit' for determining if the graph height should grow or be contained.

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.

  • d2e3bf6737: Made AlertDisplay not crash on undefined messages

  • 64a579a998: Add items prop to SupportButton. This prop can be used to override the items that would otherwise be grabbed from the config.

  • 5d3058355d: Add react/forbid-elements linter rule for button, suggest Material UI Button

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.

  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.

  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.

  • 5fb6d5e92e: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^19.0.0.

  • 17a8e32f39: Updated dependency rc-progress to 3.4.1.

  • 146378c146: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^20.0.0.

  • dfc8edf9c5: Internal refactor to avoid usage of deprecated symbols.

  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology

  • 830687539f: Sync components in @backstage/core-components with the Component Design Guidelines

  • 1ae86ab5fb: Added an option to allow the AlertMessage to be self-closing. This is done with a new display property that is set to transient on the AlertMessage when triggering a message to the AlertApi. The length of time that these transient messages stay open for can be set using the transientTimeoutMs prop on the AlertDisplay in the App.tsx. Here is an example:

      const App = () => (
    + <AlertDisplay transientTimeoutMs={2500} />
    <OAuthRequestDialog />

    The above example will set the transient timeout to 2500ms from the default of 5000ms

  • 16e31e690f: InfoCard - Remove subheader container when there is not a subheader or icon

  • a5a2d12298: Added option to pass additional headers to <ProxiedSignInPage />, which are passed along with the request to the underlying provider

  • 91bba69ef8: Internal refactor to remove deprecated symbols.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • c4788dbb58: Fix dependency ordering in templated packages.

  • 83d3167594: Bumped create-app version.

  • 2cb6963f9b: Bumped create-app version.

  • 6465ab3686: Bumped create-app version.

  • af1358bb07: added default project name for CI job compatibility

  • 935b66a646: Change step output template examples to use square bracket syntax.

  • dfb269fab2: Updated the template to have the '/test' proxy endpoint in app-config.yaml be commented out by default.

  • d9b3753f87: Updated the app template to use the new AppRouter component instead of app.getRouter(), as well as app.createRoot() instead of app.getProvider().

    To apply this change to an existing app, make the following change to packages/app/src/App.tsx:

    -import { FlatRoutes } from '@backstage/core-app-api';
    +import { AppRouter, FlatRoutes } from '@backstage/core-app-api';


    -const AppProvider = app.getProvider();
    -const AppRouter = app.getRouter();


    -const App = () => (
    +export default app.createRoot(
    - <AppProvider>
    + <>
    <AlertDisplay />
    <OAuthRequestDialog />
    - </AppProvider>
    + </>,

    The final export step should end up looking something like this:

    export default app.createRoot(
    <AlertDisplay />
    <OAuthRequestDialog />

    Note that app.createRoot() accepts a React element, rather than a component.

  • 71e75c0b70: Removed the react-router dependency from the app package, using only react-router-dom instead.

    This change is just a bit of cleanup and is optional. If you want to apply it to your app, remove the react-router dependency from packages/app/package.json, and replace any imports from react-router with react-router-dom instead.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/test-utils@1.2.3
    • @backstage/app-defaults@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • ac6cc9f7bd: Removed a circular import
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 34b039ca9f: Added integrations.github.apps.allowedInstallationOwners to the configuration schema.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.


Patch Changes

  • 8015ff1258: Tweaked wording to use inclusive terminology
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-node@1.4.3
    • @backstage/cli-common@0.1.11
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 5e238ed56a: The test utility for the plugin context called MockPluginProvider has been created. It will be handy in the cases when you use __experimentalConfigure in your plugin. It is experimental and exported through @backstage/test-utils/alpha.
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • 830687539f: Sync components in @backstage/core-components with the Component Design Guidelines
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals


Patch Changes

  • a19cffbeed: Update search links to only have header as linkable text
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-adr-common@0.2.4


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-adr-common@0.2.4


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 151c0e1477: Remove the object-hash dependency
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/test-utils@1.2.3
    • @backstage/dev-utils@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 9516b0c355: Added support for sending virtual pageviews on search events in order to enable Site Search functionality in GA. For more information consult README
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@1.7.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/config-loader@1.1.7
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.3.0


Patch Changes

  • eaccf6d628: Updated installation documentation
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.3.0


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-sites-common@0.1.0


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-sites-common@0.1.0


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 9b1891061c: HomePageBazaarInfoCard is now displaying title instead of name. Title is a string that doesn't have to be URL friendly. The BazaarOverviewCard have the new property fullHeight. Link in BazaarOverviewCardis moved to header in card.
  • 312962da30: Add title as optional parameter to BazaarOverviewCard
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@1.7.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/cli@0.22.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.
  • 9b1891061c: Column title has replaced column name for BazaarProject in database
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-test-utils@0.1.31
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-bitbucket-cloud-common@0.2.2
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • ce08e1798e: Refresh (potentially) updated catalog files on repo:push more efficiently.
  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 4eb0bce299: Fix repo:push topic not matching BitbucketCloudEventRouter.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-bitbucket-cloud-common@0.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 70fa5ec3ec: Fixes the assignment of group member references in GithubMultiOrgProcessor so membership relations are resolved correctly.

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • fe93cce743: Added the githubCredentialsProvider property to the GithubLocationAnalyzerOptions to be able to override the GithubCredentialsProvider.

  • a0fd4af94a: Handle GitHub push events at the GithubEntityProvider by subscribing to the topic github.push.

    Implements EventSubscriber to receive events for the topic github.push.

    On github.push, the affected repository will be refreshed. This includes adding new Location entities, refreshing existing ones, and removing obsolete ones.

    Please find more information at

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.

  • 754b5854df: Fix incorrectly exported GithubOrgEntityProvider as a type

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • dd995cdc72: Enabled support of resolving $refs in all kind of yaml documents, not only OpenAPI. This implicitly adds $ref resolving support for AsyncAPI specs. Thus, the openApiPlaceholderResolver has been renamed to jsonSchemaRefPlaceholderResolver.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • cb716004ef: Internal refactor to improve tests
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 454f2e90db: Set the default maxDepth prop for EntityRelationsGraph to a smaller value to provide better readability.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 6ffa47bb0a: Cleanup and small fixes for the kind selector
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-cicd-statistics@0.1.14
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 17a8e32f39: Updated dependency rc-progress to 3.4.1.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 593c22253a: Added Y axis for metric data, with relevant formatting and data domain
  • f9bbb3be37: Provide the ability to change the base currency from USD to any other currency in cost insights plugin
  • d379b6f070: Internal refactor to avoid usage of deprecated symbols
  • 5960d0902e: Internal refactor to avoid usage of deprecated symbols
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • f97c7fd1f7: added an optional config entry costInsights.engineerThreshold to allow users to control the threshold value for the 'negligible' change in costs.
  • a5ecdb99f0: Making a possibility to hide a trending line in a cost insights plugin
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/test-utils@1.2.3
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-cost-insights-common@0.1.1


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.
  • dd008a10c1: Upgrade to AWS SDK for Javascript v3
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • 0f46ec304c: Add createGithubSignatureValidator(config) which can be used to create a validator used at an ingress for topic github.

    On top, there is a new githubWebhookEventsModule for the new backend plugin API which auto-registers the HttpPostIngress for topic github incl. the validator.

    Please find more information at

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 884d749b14: Refactored to use coreServices from @backstage/backend-plugin-api.

  • 31fe8f256a: Add createGitlabTokenValidator(config) which can be used to create a validator used at an ingress for topic gitlab.

    On top, there is a new gitlabWebhookEventsModule for the new backend plugin API which auto-registers the HttpPostIngress for topic gitlab incl. the validator.

    Please find more information at

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-plugin-api@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • c8f49ed4d0: Update search links to only have header as linkable text

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.

  • ea4a5be8f3: Adds styling to graph forcing it to always fill out the available space.

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.

  • 4dec6f16be: Added new @backstage/plugin-explore-backend & @backstage/plugin-explore-common packages.

    This deprecates the ExploreToolsConfig API (in @backstage/plugin-explore-react) which is replaced by the ExploreApi & ExploreClient. The list of ExploreTool data can now be provided on the backend by either using the supplied StaticExploreToolProvider or by implementing a custom ExploreToolProvider. See the explore-backend README for full details.

    NOTE: Existing installations that have customized the ExploreToolConfig will continue to work through the new ExploreClient. However, existing data should be migrated over to new explore-backend plugin as ExploreToolConfig will be removed in the future.

    BREAKING CHANGE: If you have previously installed the explore plugin, but not yet customized the ExploreToolConfig API in your packages/app, this will result in an empty list of tools.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-explore-react@0.0.24
    • @backstage/plugin-explore-common@0.0.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 4dec6f16be: Added new @backstage/plugin-explore-backend & @backstage/plugin-explore-common packages.

    This deprecates the ExploreToolsConfig API (in @backstage/plugin-explore-react) which is replaced by the ExploreApi & ExploreClient. The list of ExploreTool data can now be provided on the backend by either using the supplied StaticExploreToolProvider or by implementing a custom ExploreToolProvider. See the explore-backend README for full details.

    NOTE: Existing installations that have customized the ExploreToolConfig will continue to work through the new ExploreClient. However, existing data should be migrated over to new explore-backend plugin as ExploreToolConfig will be removed in the future.

    BREAKING CHANGE: If you have previously installed the explore plugin, but not yet customized the ExploreToolConfig API in your packages/app, this will result in an empty list of tools.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-explore-common@0.0.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 4dec6f16be: Added new @backstage/plugin-explore-backend & @backstage/plugin-explore-common packages.

    This deprecates the ExploreToolsConfig API (in @backstage/plugin-explore-react) which is replaced by the ExploreApi & ExploreClient. The list of ExploreTool data can now be provided on the backend by either using the supplied StaticExploreToolProvider or by implementing a custom ExploreToolProvider. See the explore-backend README for full details.

    NOTE: Existing installations that have customized the ExploreToolConfig will continue to work through the new ExploreClient. However, existing data should be migrated over to new explore-backend plugin as ExploreToolConfig will be removed in the future.

    BREAKING CHANGE: If you have previously installed the explore plugin, but not yet customized the ExploreToolConfig API in your packages/app, this will result in an empty list of tools.


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.

  • 4dec6f16be: Added new @backstage/plugin-explore-backend & @backstage/plugin-explore-common packages.

    This deprecates the ExploreToolsConfig API (in @backstage/plugin-explore-react) which is replaced by the ExploreApi & ExploreClient. The list of ExploreTool data can now be provided on the backend by either using the supplied StaticExploreToolProvider or by implementing a custom ExploreToolProvider. See the explore-backend README for full details.

    NOTE: Existing installations that have customized the ExploreToolConfig will continue to work through the new ExploreClient. However, existing data should be migrated over to new explore-backend plugin as ExploreToolConfig will be removed in the future.

    BREAKING CHANGE: If you have previously installed the explore plugin, but not yet customized the ExploreToolConfig API in your packages/app, this will result in an empty list of tools.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-explore-common@0.0.1


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 5fb6d5e92e: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^19.0.0.
  • 146378c146: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^20.0.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-graphql@0.3.16
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • edf2404e9f: Adjusted the description's empty state on the starred entities table,
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-stack-overflow@0.1.8
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins-common@0.1.11


Patch Changes

  • cfe2b98fbe: Remove unnecessary dependency promise-any-polyfill.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 9447b0fb46: added support for standalone jenkins projects
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins-common@0.1.11


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 0b54dbaf7d: Internal tweak to adapt to kafkajs 2.2.3
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2db8acffe7: Kubernetes plugin now gracefully surfaces transport-level errors (like DNS or timeout, or other socket errors) occurring while fetching data. This will be merged into any data that is fetched successfully, fixing a bug where the whole page would be empty if any fetch operation encountered such an error.
  • 365f887717: Removed rendering for ErrorEmptyState in ErrorReporting component, so nothing is rendered when there are no errors. Also removed Divider on Kubernetes page.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 9ce7866ecd: Updated dependency @kubernetes/client-node to 0.18.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.5.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • e3dfef3f63: Fixed "Emulated Form Factor" field in the audit creation form not working with the latest version (1.0.2) of lighthouse-audit-service.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • 4395eac4d8: Made all the ownership boxes the same size
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 67cedfe42e: Update UserProfileCard and GroupProfileCard to not render links unless the showLinks prop is set. The primary component for rendering links are the EntityLinksCard from plugin-catalog.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 4cb5066828: Bug fixes and adding the possibility to add a default value for the GroupListPicker. Fixes: Vertical size jump on text entry, left align for text, selecting a value closes the popup, auto focus on the popup when opening
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • cb716004ef: Internal refactor to improve tests
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-playlist-common@0.1.3


Patch Changes

  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.
  • b05dcd5530: Move the zod dependency to a version that does not collide with other libraries
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/backend-test-utils@0.1.31
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-playlist-common@0.1.3


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 03843259b4: Documented the createRouter method.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 935b66a646: Change step output template examples to use square bracket syntax.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@1.9.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 935b66a646: Change step output template examples to use square bracket syntax.
  • 27b23a86ad: Added more (optional) arguments to the createFetchRailsAction to be passed to rails new
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@1.9.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 935b66a646: Change step output template examples to use square bracket syntax.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@1.9.0
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/version-bridge@1.0.3
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 19356df560: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.9.0.
  • c3fa90e184: Updated dependency zen-observable to ^0.10.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 3dee2f5ad0: Added links to the frontend and backend plugins in the readme.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • cb716004ef: Internal refactor to improve tests
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • a19cffbeed: Update search links to only have header as linkable text
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • c981e83612: The <StackOverflowSearchResultListItem /> component is now able to highlight the result title and/or text when provided. To take advantage of this, pass in the highlight prop, similar to how it is done on other result list item components.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-home@0.4.28
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • fd0ca6f447: Added option to supply API Access Token. This is required in addition to an API key when trying to access the data for a private Stack Overflow Team.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/cli@0.22.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-common@0.2.9


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-common@0.2.9
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-node@0.3.7


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-common@0.2.9
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-node@0.3.7


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-common@0.2.9


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • d3fea4ae0a: Internal fixes to avoid implicit usage of globals
  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • a19cffbeed: Update search links to only have header as linkable text
  • 5d3058355d: Add react/forbid-elements linter rule for button, suggest Material UI Button
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 786f1b1419: Support older versions of react-router
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react@1.1.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@1.7.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@1.4.1
    • @backstage/test-utils@1.2.3
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 5fb6d5e92e: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^19.0.0.
  • 146378c146: Updated dependency @react-hookz/web to ^20.0.0.
  • 8536e7c281: Use app.title from app-config.yaml when creating new Documentation Feedback issue. Backstage is the default value.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react@1.1.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 0a61aab172: Bump dependency @azure/identity to next minor

  • e40790d0c2: Add support for specifying an S3 bucket's account ID and retrieving the credentials from the aws app config section. This is now the preferred way to configure AWS credentials for Techdocs.

  • 37931c33ce: Upgrade to AWS SDK for Javascript v3

    Techdocs support for AWS S3 now requires defining the AWS region to connect to. If techdocs.publisher.awsS3.region is missing from the config, the AWS environment variable AWS_REGION will be used.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/integration-aws-node@0.1.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 2e701b3796: Internal refactor to use react-router-dom rather than react-router.
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • c507aee8a2: Ensured typescript type checks in migration files.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/types@1.0.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • 568ae02463: Added (optional) config vault.publicUrl as alternative to vault.baseUrl for editUrl and showUrl in case vault.baseUrl is internal
  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • 7a3d2688ed: Use express-promise-router to catch errors properly. Add 403 error as a known one. It will now return a NotAllowed error.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/backend-test-utils@0.1.31
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • 3280711113: Updated dependency msw to ^0.49.0.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-graph@0.2.24
    • @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.5.5
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@1.9.0
    • @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.7.5
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-react@1.3.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.43
    • @backstage/cli@0.22.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-gcp-projects@0.3.31
    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.5.12
    • @backstage/plugin-graphiql@0.2.44
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-org@0.6.2
    • @backstage/plugin-user-settings@0.6.0
    • @backstage/app-defaults@1.0.9
    • @backstage/plugin-airbrake@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.8.12
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-devops@0.2.3
    • @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.36
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.9.2
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.2.5
    • @backstage/plugin-home@0.4.28
    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.7.11
    • @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.4.8
    • @backstage/plugin-playlist@0.1.3
    • @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.4.12
    • @backstage/plugin-search@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.4.5
    • @backstage/plugin-shortcuts@0.3.4
    • @backstage/plugin-todo@0.2.14
    • @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-stack-overflow@0.1.8
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/plugin-apache-airflow@0.2.5
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-sites@0.1.1
    • @backstage/plugin-dynatrace@1.0.2
    • @backstage/plugin-gcalendar@0.3.8
    • @backstage/plugin-gocd@0.1.18
    • @backstage/plugin-newrelic@0.3.30
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights@0.3.4
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-radar@0.5.19
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-module-addons-contrib@1.0.7
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • @internal/plugin-catalog-customized@0.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-newrelic-dashboard@0.2.5
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-common@1.0.9


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@1.9.0
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-backend@0.3.18
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.9.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/catalog-client@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-rails@0.4.7
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend@1.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-elasticsearch@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-playlist-backend@0.2.2
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg@0.5.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/plugin-app-backend@0.3.39
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-node@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-events-backend@0.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-tasks@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-backend@0.5.14
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.7.2
    • @backstage/plugin-kafka-backend@0.2.32
    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins-backend@0.1.29
    • @backstage/plugin-events-node@0.2.0
    • @backstage/integration@1.4.1
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.17.2
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/plugin-azure-sites-backend@0.1.1
    • @backstage/plugin-code-coverage-backend@0.2.5
    • @backstage/plugin-graphql-backend@0.1.29
    • @backstage/plugin-proxy-backend@0.2.33
    • @backstage/plugin-rollbar-backend@0.1.36
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@1.5.0
    • @backstage/plugin-todo-backend@0.1.36
    • @backstage/plugin-explore-backend@0.0.1
    • @backstage/plugin-search-common@1.2.0
    • example-app@0.2.78
    • @backstage/plugin-badges-backend@0.1.33
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-backend@0.5.5
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-backend-module-jsonfc@0.1.23
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-node@0.3.7


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@1.9.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@1.6.0
    • @backstage/plugin-app-backend@0.3.39
    • @backstage/backend-defaults@0.1.4


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react@1.1.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@1.7.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/cli@0.22.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@1.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@1.4.1
    • @backstage/test-utils@1.2.3
    • @backstage/app-defaults@1.0.9
    • @backstage/integration-react@1.1.7
    • @backstage/catalog-model@1.1.4
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@1.7.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@1.2.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@1.2.0
    • @backstage/core-components@0.12.1
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.16


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.17.0
    • @backstage/errors@1.1.4
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-node@0.2.8
    • @backstage/config@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-permission-common@0.7.2