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Home > @backstage/frontend-plugin-api > NavLogoBlueprint

Creates an extension that replaces the logo in the nav bar with your own.


NavLogoBlueprint: import("../wiring").ExtensionBlueprint<{
kind: "nav-logo";
namespace: undefined;
name: undefined;
params: {
logoIcon: JSX.Element;
logoFull: JSX.Element;
output: import("../wiring").ConfigurableExtensionDataRef<{
logoIcon?: JSX.Element | undefined;
logoFull?: JSX.Element | undefined;
}, "core.nav-logo.logo-elements", {}>;
inputs: {};
config: {};
configInput: {};
dataRefs: {
logoElements: import("../wiring").ConfigurableExtensionDataRef<{
logoIcon?: JSX.Element | undefined;
logoFull?: JSX.Element | undefined;
}, "core.nav-logo.logo-elements", {}>;