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Home > @backstage/frontend-plugin-api > AppRootWrapperBlueprint

Creates a extensions that render a React wrapper at the app root, enclosing the app layout. This is useful for example for adding global React contexts and similar.


AppRootWrapperBlueprint: import("../wiring").ExtensionBlueprint<{
kind: "app-root-wrapper";
name: undefined;
params: {
Component: ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{}>>;
output: import("../wiring").ConfigurableExtensionDataRef<React.ComponentType<{
children?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
}>, "app.root.wrapper", {}>;
inputs: {};
config: {};
configInput: {};
dataRefs: {
component: import("../wiring").ConfigurableExtensionDataRef<React.ComponentType<{
children?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
}>, "app.root.wrapper", {}>;