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Linking in Local Packages


If you are looking to make changes within the core Backstage repository and test those changes within your Backstage application, you will need to link the two together:

~/backstage                // cloned from Github
~/my-backstage-application // generated using npx

For example, you might want to make modifications to @backstage/core-plugin-api and try them out in your company's instance of Backstage.

Linking in Backstage NPM Packages

To link in external packages, add them to your root package.json and lerna.json "workspace" paths. These can be either relative or absolute paths with or without globs.

For example:

"packages": [
"../backstage/packages/core-plugin-api", // New path added to work on @backstage/core-plugin-api
"workspaces": {
"packages": [
"../backstage/packages/core-plugin-api", // New path added to work on @backstage/core-plugin-api

Now reinstall all packages from the root to make yarn set up symlinks from your application to the core Backstage clone:

yarn install

Making Backstage Changes

With this in place you can now modify the @backstage/core-plugin-api package within the main repo, and have those changes be reflected and tested in your app. Simply run your app using yarn dev (or yarn start for just frontend) as normal.

Common Problems

Backend Issues

For backend packages you need to make sure that linked packages are not dependencies of any non-linked package. If you for example want to work on @backstage/backend-common, you need to also link in other backend plugins and packages that depend on @backstage/backend-common, or temporarily disable those plugins in your backend. This is because the transformation of backend module tree stops whenever a non-local package is encountered, and from that point node will require packages directly for that entire module subtree.

Typescript Issues

Type checking can also have issues when linking in external packages, since the linked in packages will use the types in the external project and dependency version mismatches between the two projects may cause errors. To fix any of those errors you need to sync versions of the dependencies in the two projects. A simple way to do this can be to copy over yarn.lock from the external project and run yarn install, although this is quite intrusive and can cause other issues in existing projects, so use this method with care. It can often be best to simply ignore the type errors, as app serving will work just fine anyway.

Another issue with type checking is that the incremental type cache doesn't invalidate correctly for the linked in packages, causing type checking to not reflect changes made to types. You can work around this by either setting compilerOptions.incremental = false in tsconfig.json, or by deleting the types cache folder dist-types before running yarn tsc.

Version Issues

While yarn install might not error, it does not mean that the linking worked properly. You will know that linking worked properly when:

  1. Your Backstage application root /node_modules/@backstage/[some package] is a symlink
  2. Your Backstage application /packages/app/node_modules and /packages/backend/node_modules does not contain the package you are attempting to link!

If you see Yarn continuing to download the package you are trying to link from NPM, you might need to be explicit in your package.json version so that it exactly matches what you have in the cloned Backstage repository on your machine. For example, if you have cloned /plugins/catalog with version "version": "1.19.1-next.1" you will need to be explicit in your application to point to "1.19.1-next.1".