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Home > @backstage/version-bridge

Utilities used by Backstage packages to support multiple concurrent versions


createVersionedContext(key)Get the existing or create a new versioned React context that's stored inside a global singleton.
createVersionedContextForTesting(key)Creates a helper for writing tests towards multiple different combinations of versions provided from a context.
createVersionedValueMap(versions)Creates a container for a map of versioned values that implements VersionedValue.
getOrCreateGlobalSingleton(id, supplier)Serializes access to a global singleton value, with the first caller creating the value.
useVersionedContext(key)A hook that simplifies the consumption of a versioned contexts that's stored inside a global singleton.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
VersionedValueThe versioned value interface is a container for a set of values that can be looked up by version. It is intended to be used as a container for values that can be versioned independently of package versions.