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material-ui theme for use with Backstage


createBaseThemeOptions(options)A helper for creating theme options.
createTheme(options)The old method to create a Backstage Material UI v4 theme using a palette. The theme is created with the common Backstage options and component styles.
createThemeOptions(options)An old helper for creating Material UI v4 theme options.
createThemeOverrides(theme)* An old helper for creating Material UI v4 theme overrides.
createUnifiedTheme(options)Creates a new UnifiedTheme using the provided options.
createUnifiedThemeFromV4(options)Creates a new UnifiedTheme using Material UI v4 theme options. Note that this uses adaptV4Theme from Material UI v5, which is deprecated.
genPageTheme(props)Utility to not have to write colors and shapes twice.
transformV5ComponentThemesToV4(theme, components)Transform Material UI v5 component themes into a v4 theme props and overrides.
UnifiedThemeProvider(props)Provides themes for all Material UI versions supported by the provided unified theme.


BackstageThemeA Backstage theme.
BackstageThemeOptionsBackstage theme options.
BaseThemeOptionsInputOptions for createBaseThemeOptions().
OverrideComponentNameToClassKeysMerge interface declarations into this type to register overrides for your components.

A container of one theme for multiple different Material UI versions.

Currently known keys are 'v4' and 'v5'.

UnifiedThemeOptionsOptions for creating a new UnifiedTheme.
UnifiedThemeProviderPropsProps for UnifiedThemeProvider().


colorVariantsThe color range variants that are used in e.g. colorful bursts.
darkThemeThe old Material UI v4 Backstage dark theme.
defaultComponentThemesA helper for creating theme overrides.
defaultTypographyDefault Typography settings.
lightThemeThe old Material UI v4 Backstage light theme.
pageThemeAll of the builtin page themes.
palettesBuilt-in Backstage color palettes.
shapesThe default predefined burst shapes.
themesBuilt-in Backstage Material UI themes.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
BackstagePaletteThe full Backstage palette.
BackstagePaletteAdditionsBackstage specific additions to the material-ui palette.
BackstagePaletteOptionsThe full Backstage palette options.
BackstageThemeAdditionsBackstage specific additions to the material-ui theme.
BackstageTypographyCustom Typography
PageThemeThe theme definitions for a given layout page.
PageThemeSelectorSelector for what page theme to use.
SimpleThemeOptionsA simpler configuration for creating a new theme that just tweaks some parts of the backstage one.
SupportedThemesSupported Material UI Theme Types for SupportedVersions

Supported Material UI Versions

Currently: 'v4' and 'v5'.