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Home > @backstage/test-utils > TestApiProvider

The TestApiProvider is a Utility API context provider that is particularly well suited for development and test environments such as unit tests, storybooks, and isolated plugin development setups.

It lets you provide any number of API implementations, without necessarily having to fully implement each of the APIs.


TestApiProvider: <T extends any[]>(props: TestApiProviderProps<T>) => React.JSX.Element


todo: remove this remark tag and ship in the api-reference. There's some odd formatting going on when this is made into a markdown doc, that there's no line break between the emitted

for To the following

so what happens is that when parsing in docusaurus, it thinks that the code block is mdx rather than a code snippet. Just omitting this from the report for now until we can work out how to fix later. A migration from ApiRegistry and ApiProvider might look like this, from:

[identityApiRef, mockIdentityApi as unknown as IdentityApi]

To the following:

<TestApiProvider apis={[[identityApiRef, mockIdentityApi]]}>

Note that the cast to IdentityApi is no longer needed as long as the mock API implements a subset of the IdentityApi.