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Home > @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react

Package encapsulating utilities to be shared by frontend TechDocs plugins.


createTechDocsAddonExtension(options)Create a TechDocs addon overload signature without props.
createTechDocsAddonExtension(options)Create a TechDocs addon overload signature with props.
toLowercaseEntityRefMaybe(entityRef, config)Lower-case entity triplets by default, but allow override.


TechDocsApiAPI to talk to techdocs-backend.
TechDocsStorageApiAPI which talks to TechDocs storage to fetch files to render.


SHADOW_DOM_STYLE_LOAD_EVENTName for the event dispatched when ShadowRoot styles are loaded.
TECHDOCS_ADDONS_KEYKey for each addon.
TECHDOCS_ADDONS_WRAPPER_KEYMarks the <TechDocsAddons> registry component.
TechDocsAddonLocationsLocations for which TechDocs addons may be declared and rendered.
TechDocsAddonsTechDocs Addon registry.
techdocsApiRefUtility API reference for the TechDocsApi.
TechDocsReaderPageProviderA context to store the reader page state
TechDocsShadowDomRenders a tree of elements in a Shadow DOM.
techdocsStorageApiRefUtility API reference for the TechDocsStorageApi.
useShadowDomStylesLoadingReturns the style's loading state.
useShadowRootHook for use within TechDocs addons that provides access to the underlying shadow root of the current page, allowing the DOM within to be mutated.
useShadowRootElementsConvenience hook for use within TechDocs addons that provides access to elements that match a given selector within the shadow root.
useShadowRootSelectionHook for retrieving a selection within the ShadowRoot.
useTechDocsAddonshook to use addons in components
useTechDocsReaderPageHook used to get access to shared state between reader page components.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
SyncResultThe outcome of a docs sync operation.
TechDocsAddonOptionsOptions for creating a TechDocs addon.
TechDocsEntityMetadataMetadata for TechDocs Entity
TechDocsMetadataMetadata for TechDocs page
TechDocsReaderPageProviderPropsProps for TechDocsReaderPageProvider
TechDocsReaderPageProviderRenderFunctionrender function for TechDocsReaderPageProvider
TechDocsReaderPageValuetype for the value of the TechDocsReaderPageContext
TechDocsShadowDomPropsProps for TechDocsShadowDom.