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Home > @backstage/plugin-techdocs-module-addons-contrib

A plugin for contributed TechDocs Addons.


ExpandableNavigation()TechDocs addon that lets you expand/collapse the TechDocs main navigation and keep the preferred state in local storage. The addon will render as a button next to the site name if the documentation has nested navigation.
LightBox()This TechDocs addon allows users to open images in a lightbox on documentation pages, they can navigate between images if there are several on one page.
ReportIssue(props)TechDocs addon that lets you select text and open GitHub/Gitlab issues
TextSize()This TechDocs addon allows users to customize text size on documentation pages, they can select how much they want to increase or decrease the font size via slider or buttons.


techdocsModuleAddonsContribPluginThe TechDocs addons contrib plugin

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
ReportIssuePropsProps customizing the Addon.
ReportIssueTemplateProperties for creating an issue in a remote issue tracker.
ReportIssueTemplateBuilderA function for returning a custom issue template, given a selection of text on a TechDocs page.