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Home > @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend > RecommendedDeploymentOptions

Warning: This API is now obsolete.

This type is only exported for legacy reasons and will be removed in the future.

Required dependencies for running TechDocs in the "recommended" deployment configuration (prepare/generate handled externally in CI/CD).


export type RecommendedDeploymentOptions = {
publisher: PublisherBase;
logger: winston.Logger;
discovery: DiscoveryService;
config: Config;
cache: PluginCacheManager;
docsBuildStrategy?: DocsBuildStrategy;
buildLogTransport?: winston.transport;
catalogClient?: CatalogApi;
httpAuth?: HttpAuthService;
auth?: AuthService;

References: PublisherBase, DiscoveryService, Config, DocsBuildStrategy, CatalogApi, HttpAuthService, AuthService