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Home > @backstage/plugin-techdocs-addons-test-utils > TechDocsAddonTester

Utility class for rendering TechDocs Addons end-to-end within the TechDocs reader page, with a set of givens (e.g. page DOM, metadata, etc).


class TechDocsAddonTester 


const { getByText } = await TechDocsAddonTester.buildAddonsInTechDocs([<AnAddon />])



(constructor)(addons)protectedConstructs a new instance of the TechDocsAddonTester class


atPath(path)Provide the TechDocs page path at which the Addon is rendered (e.g. the part of the path after the entity namespace/kind/name).
build()Return a fully configured and mocked TechDocs reader page within a test App instance, using the given Addon(s).
buildAddonsInTechDocs(addons)staticGet a TechDocsAddonTester instance for a given set of Addons.
renderWithEffects()Render the Addon within a fully configured and mocked TechDocs reader.
withApis(apis)Provide mock API implementations if your Addon expects any.
withDom(dom)Provide mock HTML if your Addon expects it in the shadow DOM.
withEntity(entity)Provide a mock entity if your Addon needs it. This also controls the base path at which the Addon is rendered.
withMetadata(metadata)Provide mock techdocs_metadata.json values if your Addon needs it.