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Home > @backstage/plugin-techdocs

The Backstage plugin that renders technical documentation for your components


TechDocsClientAPI to talk to techdocs-backend.
TechDocsStorageClientAPI which talks to TechDocs storage to fetch files to render.


PanelConfigType representing a TechDocsCustomHome panel.
TabConfigType representing a TechDocsCustomHome tab.
TechDocsApiAPI to talk to techdocs-backend.
TechDocsStorageApiAPI which talks to TechDocs storage to fetch files to render.


DefaultTechDocsHomeComponent which renders a default documentation landing page.
DocsCardGridComponent which accepts a list of entities and renders a item card for each entity
DocsTableComponent which renders a table documents
EmbeddedDocsRouterResponsible for registering route to view docs on Entity page
EntityListDocsGridComponent responsible to get entities from entity list context and pass down to DocsCardGrid
EntityListDocsTableComponent which renders a table with entities from catalog.
EntityTechdocsContentRoutable extension used to render docs on Entity page
isTechDocsAvailableHelper that takes in entity and returns true/false if TechDocs is available for the entity
ReaderComponent responsible for rendering TechDocs documentation
RouterResponsible for registering routes for TechDocs, TechDocs Homepage and separate TechDocs page
techdocsApiRefUtility API reference for the TechDocsApi.
TechDocsCustomHomeComponent which takes a custom tabs config object and renders a documentation landing page.
TechDocsIndexPageResponsible for rendering the provided router element
TechdocsPageRoutable extension used to render docs
TechDocsPageWrapperComponent wrapping a TechDocs page with Page and Header components
TechDocsPickerComponent responsible for updating TechDocs filters
techdocsPluginThe Backstage plugin that renders technical documentation for your components
TechDocsReaderLayoutDefault TechDocs reader page structure composed with a header and content
TechDocsReaderPageComponent responsible for composing a TechDocs reader page experience
TechDocsReaderPageContentRenders the reader page content
TechDocsReaderPageHeaderRenders the reader page header. This component does not accept props, please use the Tech Docs add-ons to customize it
TechDocsReaderPageSubheaderRenders the reader page subheader. Please use the Tech Docs add-ons to customize it
TechDocsReaderProviderProvides shared building process state to the reader page components.
TechDocsSearchComponent used to render search bar on TechDocs page, scoped to
TechDocsSearchResultListItemReact extension used to render results on Search page or modal
techdocsStorageApiRefUtility API reference for the TechDocsStorageApi.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
ContentStateTypesA state representation that is used to configure the UI of
DefaultTechDocsHomePropsProps for DefaultTechDocsHome
DocsCardGridPropsProps for DocsCardGrid
DocsGroupConfigProps for EntityListDocsGrid
DocsTablePropsProps for DocsTable.
DocsTableRowGeneric representing the metadata structure for a docs table row.
EntityListDocsGridPagePropsProps for EntityListDocsGrid
EntityListDocsTablePropsProps for EntityListDocsTable.
PanelTypeAvailable panel types
ReaderStateshared reader state
SyncResultThe outcome of a docs sync operation.
TabsConfigType representing a list of TechDocsCustomHome tabs.
TechDocsCustomHomePropsProps for TechDocsCustomHome
TechDocsIndexPagePropsProps for TechDocsIndexPage
TechDocsPageWrapperPropsProps for TechDocsPageWrapper
TechDocsReaderLayoutPropsProps for TechDocsReaderLayout
TechDocsReaderPageContentPropsProps for TechDocsReaderPageContent
TechDocsReaderPageHeaderPropsProps for TechDocsReaderPageHeader
TechDocsReaderPageRenderFunctionHelper function that gives the children of TechDocsReaderPage access to techdocs and entity metadata
TechDocsReaderProviderPropsProps for TechDocsReaderProvider
TechDocsReaderProviderRenderFunctionRender function for TechDocsReaderProvider
TechDocsSearchPropsProps for TechDocsSearch
TechDocsSearchResultListItemPropsProps for TechDocsSearchResultListItem.