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Home > @backstage/plugin-search-common

Common functionalities for Search, to be shared between various search-enabled plugins


DocumentCollatorFactoryFactory class for instantiating collators.
DocumentDecoratorFactoryFactory class for instantiating decorators.
ResultHighlightMetadata for result relevant document fields with matched terms highlighted via wrapping in associated pre/post tags. The UI is expected to parse these field excerpts by replacing wrapping tags with applicable UI elements for rendering.
SearchDocumentBase properties that all search documents must include.
SearchEngineInterface that must be implemented by specific search engines, responsible for performing indexing and querying and translating abstract queries into concrete, search engine-specific queries.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
DocumentTypeInfoInformation about a specific document type. Intended to be used in the IndexBuilder to collect information about the types stored in the index.
IndexableDocumentProperties related to indexing of documents. This type is only useful for backends working directly with documents being inserted or retrieved from search indexes. When dealing with documents in the frontend, use SearchDocument.
QueryRequestOptionsOptions when querying a search engine.
QueryTranslatorA type of function responsible for translating an abstract search query into a concrete query relevant to a particular search engine.