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Home > @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node

A library for Backstage backend plugins that want to interact with the search backend plugin


IndexBuilderUsed for adding collators, decorators and compile them into tasks which are added to a scheduler returned to the caller.
LunrSearchEngineLunr specific search engine implementation.
LunrSearchEngineIndexerLunr specific search engine indexer
MissingIndexErrorFailed to query documents for index that does not exist.
NewlineDelimitedJsonCollatorFactoryFactory class producing a collator that can be used to index documents sourced from the latest newline delimited JSON file matching a given search pattern. "Latest" is determined by the name of the file (last alphabetically is considered latest).
SchedulerScheduler responsible for all search tasks.
TestPipelineTest utility for Backstage Search collators, decorators, and indexers.

Abstract Classes

Abstract ClassDescription
BatchSearchEngineIndexerBase class encapsulating batch-based stream processing. Useful as a base class for search engine indexers.
DecoratorBaseBase class encapsulating simple async transformations. Useful as a base class for Backstage search decorators.


RegisterCollatorParametersParameters required to register a collator.
RegisterDecoratorParametersParameters required to register a decorator
SearchEngineInterface that must be implemented by specific search engines, responsible for performing indexing and querying and translating abstract queries into concrete, search engine-specific queries.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
BatchSearchEngineOptionsOptions for BatchSearchEngineIndexer
ConcreteLunrQueryType of translated query for the Lunr Search Engine.
IndexBuilderOptionsOptions required to instantiate the index builder.
LunrQueryTranslatorTranslator responsible for translating search term and filters to a query that the Lunr Search Engine understands.
NewlineDelimitedJsonCollatorFactoryOptionsOptions for instantiate NewlineDelimitedJsonCollatorFactory
QueryRequestOptionsOptions when querying a search engine.
QueryTranslatorA type of function responsible for translating an abstract search query into a concrete query relevant to a particular search engine.
TestPipelineResultObject resolved after a test pipeline is executed.