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Home > @backstage/plugin-scaffolder > RepoUrlPickerFieldExtension

The field extension which provides the ability to select a RepositoryUrl. Currently, this is an encoded URL that looks something like the following


RepoUrlPickerFieldExtension: import("@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-react").FieldExtensionComponent<string, {
allowedHosts?: string[] | undefined;
allowedOrganizations?: string[] | undefined;
allowedOwners?: string[] | undefined;
allowedProjects?: string[] | undefined;
allowedRepos?: string[] | undefined;
requestUserCredentials?: {
secretsKey: string;
additionalScopes?: {
azure?: string[] | undefined;
github?: string[] | undefined;
gitlab?: string[] | undefined;
bitbucket?: string[] | undefined;
gerrit?: string[] | undefined;
gitea?: string[] | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;