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createScaffolderFieldExtension(options)Method for creating field extensions that can be used in the scaffolder frontend form.
createScaffolderLayout(options)Method for creating custom Layouts that can be used in the scaffolder frontend form


FieldExtensionComponentPropsType for Field Extension Props for RJSF v5
FieldExtensionUiSchemaType for Field Extension UiSchema
LayoutOptionsThe type of layouts that is passed to the TemplateForms
ScaffolderApiAn API to interact with the scaffolder backend.
ScaffolderGetIntegrationsListOptionsThe arguments for getIntegrationsList.
ScaffolderGetIntegrationsListResponseThe response shape for getIntegrationsList.
ScaffolderRJSFFieldPropsThe props for the Field components
ScaffolderRJSFFormPropsThe properties that are passed to the Form
ScaffolderScaffoldOptionsThe input options to the scaffold method of the ScaffolderClient.
ScaffolderScaffoldResponseThe response shape of the scaffold method of the ScaffolderClient.
ScaffolderStreamLogsOptionsThe input options to the streamLogs method of the ScaffolderClient.
ScaffolderUseTemplateSecretsThe return type from the useTemplateSecrets hook.


ScaffolderFieldExtensionsThe Wrapping component for defining fields extensions inside
ScaffolderLayoutsThe wrapping component for defining scaffolder layouts as children
SecretsContextProviderThe Context Provider that holds the state for the secrets.
useCustomFieldExtensionsHook that returns all custom field extensions from the current outlet.
useCustomLayoutsHook that returns all custom field extensions from the current outlet.
useTaskEventStreamA hook to stream the logs of a task being processed
useTemplateSecretsHook to access the secrets context to be able to set secrets that are passed to the Scaffolder backend.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
ActionThe response shape for a single action in the listActions call to the scaffolder-backend
ActionExampleA single action example
CustomFieldExtensionSchemaType for the Custom Field Extension schema.
CustomFieldValidatorField validation type for Custom Field Extensions.
FieldExtensionComponentThe type used to wrap up the Layout and embed the input props
FieldExtensionOptionsType for the Custom Field Extension with the name and components and validation function.
FormPropsAny @rjsf/core form properties that are publicly exposed to the ScaffolderPage
LayoutComponentA type used to wrap up the FieldExtension to embed the ReturnValue and the InputProps
LayoutTemplateThe field template from @rjsf/core which is a react component that gets passed @rjsf/core field related props.
ListActionsResponseThe response shape for the listActions call to the scaffolder-backend
LogEventThe shape of a LogEvent message from the scaffolder-backend
ReviewStepPropsThe props for the Last Step in scaffolder template form. Which represents the summary of the input provided by the end user.
ScaffolderRJSFFieldThe Field type for Field Extensions
ScaffolderRJSFRegistryFieldsTypeThe set of Fields stored in the Registry
ScaffolderStepThe status of the step being processed
ScaffolderTaskThe shape of each task returned from the scaffolder-backend
ScaffolderTaskStatusThe status of each task in a Scaffolder Job
TaskStreamA task event from the event stream
TemplateParameterSchemaThe shape of each entry of parameters which gets rendered as a separate step in the wizard input