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Home > @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-common > TaskSpecV1beta3

A scaffolder task as stored in the database, generated from a v1beta3 apiVersion Template.


export interface TaskSpecV1beta3 


apiVersion''The apiVersion string of the TaskSpec.
EXPERIMENTAL_recovery?TaskRecovery(Optional) How to recover the task after system restart or system crash.
output{ [name: string]: JsonValue; }The output is an object where template authors can pull out information from template actions and return them in a known standard way.
parametersJsonObjectThis is a JSONSchema which is used to render a form in the frontend to collect user input and validate it against that schema. This can then be used in the steps part below to template variables passed from the user into each action in the template.
stepsTaskStep[]A list of steps to be executed in sequence which are defined by the template. These steps are a list of the underlying javascript action and some optional input parameters that may or may not have been collected from the end user.
templateInfo?TemplateInfo(Optional) Some information about the template that is stored on the task spec.
user?{ entity?: UserEntity; ref?: string; }(Optional) Some decoration of the author of the task that should be available in the context