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Home > @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend > createFetchTemplateAction

Downloads a skeleton, templates variables into file and directory names and content. Then places the result in the workspace, or optionally in a subdirectory specified by the 'targetPath' input option.


function createFetchTemplateAction(options: {
reader: UrlReaderService;
integrations: ScmIntegrations;
additionalTemplateFilters?: Record<string, TemplateFilter>;
additionalTemplateGlobals?: Record<string, TemplateGlobal>;
}): import("@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-node").TemplateAction<{
url: string;
targetPath?: string | undefined;
values: any;
templateFileExtension?: string | boolean | undefined;
copyWithoutRender?: string[] | undefined;
copyWithoutTemplating?: string[] | undefined;
cookiecutterCompat?: boolean | undefined;
replace?: boolean | undefined;
trimBlocks?: boolean | undefined;
lstripBlocks?: boolean | undefined;
token?: string | undefined;
}, import("@backstage/types").JsonObject>;


options{ reader: UrlReaderService; integrations: ScmIntegrations; additionalTemplateFilters?: Record<string, TemplateFilter>; additionalTemplateGlobals?: Record<string, TemplateGlobal>; }


import("@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-node").TemplateAction<{ url: string; targetPath?: string | undefined; values: any; templateFileExtension?: string | boolean | undefined; copyWithoutRender?: string[] | undefined; copyWithoutTemplating?: string[] | undefined; cookiecutterCompat?: boolean | undefined; replace?: boolean | undefined; trimBlocks?: boolean | undefined; lstripBlocks?: boolean | undefined; token?: string | undefined; }, import("@backstage/types").JsonObject>