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Home > @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend > CreateBuiltInActionsOptions

The options passed to createBuiltinActions


export interface CreateBuiltInActionsOptions 


additionalTemplateFilters?Record<string, TemplateFilter>(Optional) Additional custom filters that will be passed to the nunjucks template engine for use in Template Manifests and also template skeleton files when using fetch:template.
additionalTemplateGlobals?Record<string, TemplateGlobal>(Optional)
auth?AuthService(Optional) The AuthService that will be used in the default actions.
catalogClientCatalogApiThe CatalogApi that will be used in the default actions.
configConfigThe Config that will be used in the default actions.
integrationsScmIntegrationsThe that will be used in the default actions.
readerUrlReaderServiceThe UrlReaderService interface that will be used in the default actions.