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Home > @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-github > CreateGithubPullRequestActionOptions

The options passed to createPublishGithubPullRequestAction method


export interface CreateGithubPullRequestActionOptions 


clientFactory?(input: { integrations: ScmIntegrationRegistry; githubCredentialsProvider?: GithubCredentialsProvider; host: string; owner: string; repo: string; token?: string; }) => Promise<Octokit & { createPullRequest(options: createPullRequest.Options): Promise<{ data: { html_url: string; number: number; base: { ref: string; }; }; } | null>; }>(Optional) A method to return the Octokit client with the Pull Request Plugin.
config?Config(Optional) An instance of Config that will be used in the action.
githubCredentialsProvider?GithubCredentialsProvider(Optional) An instance of GithubCredentialsProvider that will be used to get credentials for the action.
integrationsScmIntegrationRegistryAn instance of ScmIntegrationRegistry that will be used in the action.