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Home > @backstage/plugin-permission-node > createConditionFactory

Creates a condition factory function for a given authorization rule and parameter types.


createConditionFactory: <TResourceType extends string, TParams extends PermissionRuleParams = PermissionRuleParams>(rule: PermissionRule<unknown, unknown, TResourceType, TParams>) => (params: TParams) => PermissionCondition<TResourceType, TParams>


For example, an isEntityOwner rule for catalog entities might take an array of entityRef strings. The rule itself defines _how_ to check a given resource, whereas a condition also includes _what_ to verify.

Plugin authors should generally use the createConditionExports in order to efficiently create multiple condition factories. This helper should generally only be used to construct condition factories for third-party rules that aren't part of the backend plugin with which they're intended to integrate.