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Home > @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-node > ClusterDetails


export interface ClusterDetails 


caData?string | undefined(Optional)
caFile?string | undefined(Optional)
customResources?CustomResourceMatcher[](Optional) Specifies which custom resources to look for when returning an entity's Kubernetes resources.
dashboardApp?string(Optional) Specifies the app that provides the Kubernetes dashboard. This will be used for formatting links to kubernetes objects inside the dashboard.
dashboardParameters?JsonObject(Optional) Specifies specific parameters used by some dashboard URL formatters. This is used by the GKE formatter which requires the project, region and cluster name.
dashboardUrl?string(Optional) Specifies the link to the Kubernetes dashboard managing this cluster.
namestringName of the Kubernetes cluster; used as an internal identifier.
skipMetricsLookup?boolean(Optional) Whether to skip the lookup to the metrics server to retrieve pod resource usage. It is not guaranteed that the Kubernetes distro has the metrics server installed.
title?string(Optional) Human-readable name for the cluster, to be dispayed in UIs.