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Home > @backstage/plugin-events-node

The events-node module for @backstage/plugin-events-backend.


DefaultEventsServiceIn-process event broker which will pass the event to all registered subscribers interested in it. Events will not be persisted in any form. Events will not be passed to subscribers at other instances of the same cluster.

Abstract Classes

Abstract ClassDescription
EventRouterSubscribes to a topic and - depending on a set of conditions - republishes the event to another topic.
SubTopicEventRouterSubscribes to the provided (generic) topic and publishes the events under the more concrete sub-topic depending on the implemented logic for determining it. Implementing classes might use information from metadata and/or properties within the payload.


EventBrokerAllows a decoupled and asynchronous communication between components. Components can publish events for a given topic and others can subscribe for future events for topics they are interested in.
EventPublisherPublishes events to be consumed by subscribers for their topic. The events can come from different (external) sources like emitted themselves, received via HTTP endpoint (i.e. webhook) or from event brokers, queues, etc.
EventsServiceAllows a decoupled and asynchronous communication between components. Components can publish events for a given topic and others can subscribe for future events for topics they are interested in.
EventSubscriberHandles received events. This may include triggering refreshes of catalog entities or other actions to react on events.
RequestRejectionDetailsDetails for how to respond to the rejection of the received HTTP request transmitting an event payload.
RequestValidationContextPassed context for the validation at which rejections can be expressed.


eventsServiceRefThe EventsService that allows to publish events, and subscribe to topics. Uses the root scope so that events can be shared across all plugins, modules, and more.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription

Validator used to check the received HTTP request transmitting an event payload.

E.g., it can be used for signature verification like for GitHub webhook events (\#secret) or other kinds of checks.