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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-incremental-ingestion > IncrementalEntityProviderOptions


export interface IncrementalEntityProviderOptions 


backoff?DurationObjectUnits[](Optional) In the event of an error during an ingestion burst, the backoff determines how soon it will be retried. E.g. [{ minutes: 1}, { minutes: 5}, {minutes: 30 }, { hours: 3 }]
burstIntervalDurationObjectUnitsEntities are ingested in bursts. This interval determines how much time to wait in between each burst.
burstLengthDurationObjectUnitsEntities are ingested in bursts. This value determines how long to keep ingesting within each burst.
rejectEmptySourceCollections?boolean(Optional) Similar to the rejectRemovalsAbovePercentage, this option prevents removals in circumstances where a data source has improperly returned 0 assets. If set to true, Backstage will reject removals when that happens.
rejectRemovalsAbovePercentage?number(Optional) If an error occurs at a data source that results in a large number of assets being inadvertently removed, it will result in Backstage removing all associated entities. To avoid that, set a percentage of entities past which removal will be disallowed.
restLengthDurationObjectUnitsAfter a successful ingestion, the incremental entity provider will rest for this period of time before starting to ingest again.