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Home > @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-aws

A Backstage catalog backend module that helps integrate towards AWS


AwsEKSClusterProcessorA processor for automatic discovery of resources from EKS clusters. Handles the aws-eks location type, and target accounts/regions of the form <accountId>/<region>.

A processor for ingesting AWS Accounts from AWS Organizations.

If custom authentication is needed, it can be achieved by configuring the global AWS.credentials object.

AwsS3DiscoveryProcessorA processor for automatic discovery of entities from S3 buckets. Handles the s3-discovery location type, and target bucket URLs e.g. on the form

Provider which discovers catalog files (any name) within an S3 bucket.

Use AwsS3EntityProvider.fromConfig(...) to create instances.


ANNOTATION_AWS_ACCOUNT_IDAnnotation for specifying AWS account id
ANNOTATION_AWS_ARNAnnotation for specifying AWS arn
defaultEksClusterEntityTransformerDefault transformer for EKS Cluster to Resource Entity

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
AWSCredentialFactoryA factory for providing user-specified AWS credentials for a given AWS account.
EksClusterEntityTransformerOptions for the EKS cluster entity callback function