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Helpers for managing integrations towards external systems


AwsCodeCommitIntegrationIntegrates with AWS CodeCommit.
AwsS3IntegrationIntegrates with AWS S3 or compatible solutions.
AzureIntegrationMicrosoft Azure based integration.
BitbucketCloudIntegrationA Bitbucket Cloud based integration.
BitbucketIntegrationA Bitbucket based integration.
BitbucketServerIntegrationA Bitbucket Server based integration.
DefaultAzureDevOpsCredentialsProviderDefault implementation of AzureDevOpsCredentialsProvider.
DefaultGithubCredentialsProviderHandles the creation and caching of credentials for GitHub integrations.
DefaultGitlabCredentialsProviderHandles the creation and caching of credentials for GitLab integrations.
GerritIntegrationA Gerrit based integration.
GiteaIntegrationA Gitea based integration.
GithubAppCredentialsMuxCorresponds to a Github installation which internally could hold several GitHub Apps.
GithubIntegrationA GitHub based integration.
GitLabIntegrationA GitLab based integration.
HarnessIntegrationA Harness Code based integration.
ScmIntegrationsExposes the set of supported integrations.
SingleInstanceGithubCredentialsProviderHandles the creation and caching of credentials for GitHub integrations.


buildGerritGitilesArchiveUrl(config, project, branch, filePath)Build a Gerrit Gitiles archive url that targets a specific branch and path
defaultScmResolveUrl(options)Default implementation of ScmIntegration resolveUrl, that only works with URL pathname based providers.
getAzureCommitsUrl(url)Given a URL, return the API URL to fetch commits on the branch.
getAzureDownloadUrl(url)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for downloading the subtree.
getAzureFileFetchUrl(url)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getAzureRequestOptions(config, additionalHeaders)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getBitbucketCloudDefaultBranch(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns the default branch.
getBitbucketCloudDownloadUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for downloading the subtree.
getBitbucketCloudFileFetchUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getBitbucketCloudRequestOptions(config)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getBitbucketDefaultBranch(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns the default branch.
getBitbucketDownloadUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for downloading the subtree.
getBitbucketFileFetchUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getBitbucketRequestOptions(config)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getBitbucketServerDefaultBranch(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns the default branch.
getBitbucketServerDownloadUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a path on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for downloading the subtree.
getBitbucketServerFileFetchUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getBitbucketServerRequestOptions(config)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getGerritBranchApiUrl(config, url)Return the url to get branch info from the Gerrit API.
getGerritCloneRepoUrl(config, url)Return the url to clone the repo that is referenced by the url.
getGerritFileContentsApiUrl(config, url)Return the url to fetch the contents of a file using the Gerrit API.
getGerritProjectsApiUrl(config)Return the url to query available projects using the Gerrit API.
getGerritRequestOptions(config)Return request headers for a Gerrit provider.
getGiteaArchiveUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a repository/path, returns a URL for archive contents of the repository.
getGiteaEditContentsUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a file, returns a URL for editing the contents of the data.
getGiteaFileContentsUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a file, returns an api URL for fetching the contents of the data.
getGiteaLatestCommitUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a repository branch, returns a URL for latest commit information.
getGiteaRequestOptions(config)Return request headers for a Gitea provider.
getGithubFileFetchUrl(url, config, credentials)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getGitHubRequestOptions(config, credentials)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getGitLabFileFetchUrl(url, config)Given a URL pointing to a file on a provider, returns a URL that is suitable for fetching the contents of the data.
getGitLabIntegrationRelativePath(config)Reads a GitLab integration config, and returns relative path.
getGitLabRequestOptions(config, token)Gets the request options necessary to make requests to a given provider.
getHarnessArchiveUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a repository/path, returns a URL for archive contents of the repository.
getHarnessFileContentsUrl(config, url)Given a file path URL, it returns an API URL which returns the contents of the file .
getHarnessLatestCommitUrl(config, url)Given a URL pointing to a repository branch, returns a URL for latest commit information.
getHarnessRequestOptions(config)Return request headers for a Harness Code provider.
parseGerritGitilesUrl(config, url)Parse a Gitiles URL and return branch, file path and project.
parseGerritJsonResponse(response)Parse the json response from Gerrit and strip the magic prefix.
parseGiteaUrl(config, url)Return parsed git url properties.
parseGitilesUrlRef(config, url)

Parses Gitiles urls and returns the following:

- The project - The type of ref. I.e: branch name, SHA, HEAD or tag. - The file path from the repo root. - The base path as the path that points to the repo root.

Supported types of gitiles urls that point to:

- Branches - Tags - A commit SHA - HEAD

parseHarnessUrl(config, url)Return parsed git url properties.
readAwsCodeCommitIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Aws CodeCommit integration config.
readAwsCodeCommitIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of AWS CodeCommit integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public Amazon AWS if not specified.
readAwsS3IntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Aws S3 integration config.
readAwsS3IntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of AWS S3 integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public Amazon AWS if not specified.
readAzureIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Azure integration config.
readAzureIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of Azure integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public Azure if not specified.
readBitbucketCloudIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Bitbucket Cloud integration config.
readBitbucketCloudIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of Bitbucket Cloud integration configs, and inserts one for public Bitbucket Cloud if none specified.
readBitbucketIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Bitbucket integration config.
readBitbucketIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of Bitbucket integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public Bitbucket if not specified.
readBitbucketServerIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Bitbucket Server integration config.
readBitbucketServerIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of Bitbucket Server integration configs.
readGerritIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Gerrit integration config.
readGerritIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of Gerrit integration configs.
readGiteaConfig(config)Parses a location config block for use in GiteaIntegration
readGithubIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single GitHub integration config.
readGithubIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of GitHub integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public GitHub if not specified.
readGitLabIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single GitLab integration config.
readGitLabIntegrationConfigs(configs)Reads a set of GitLab integration configs, and inserts some defaults for public GitLab if not specified.
readGoogleGcsIntegrationConfig(config)Reads a single Google GCS integration config.
readHarnessConfig(config)Parses a location config block for use in HarnessIntegration
replaceGithubUrlType(url, type)Takes a GitHub URL and replaces the type part (blob, tree etc).
replaceGitLabUrlType(url, type)Takes a GitLab URL and replaces the type part (blob, tree etc).


AzureDevOpsCredentialsProviderThis allows implementations to be provided to retrieve Azure DevOps credentials.
GithubCredentialsProviderThis allows implementations to be provided to retrieve GitHub credentials.
IntegrationsByTypeThe set of supported integrations.
RateLimitInfoEncapsulates information about the RateLimit state
ScmIntegrationEncapsulates a single SCM integration.
ScmIntegrationRegistryHolds all registered SCM integrations, of all types.
ScmIntegrationsGroupEncapsulates several integrations, that are all of the same type.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
AwsCodeCommitIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single AWS CodeCommit provider.
AwsS3IntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single AWS S3 provider.
AzureClientSecretCredentialA client secret credential that was generated for an App Registration.
AzureCredentialBaseCommon fields for the Azure DevOps credentials.
AzureDevOpsCredentialCredential used to authenticate to Azure DevOps.
AzureDevOpsCredentialKindThe kind of Azure DevOps credential.
AzureDevOpsCredentialLikeThe general shape of a credential that can be used to authenticate to Azure DevOps.
AzureDevOpsCredentialsA set of credentials for Azure DevOps.
AzureDevOpsCredentialTypeThe type of Azure DevOps credential, either bearer or pat.
AzureIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Azure provider.
AzureManagedIdentityCredentialA managed identity credential.
BitbucketCloudIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Bitbucket Cloud API provider.
BitbucketIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Bitbucket API provider.
BitbucketServerIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Bitbucket Server API provider.
GerritIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Gerrit API provider.
GiteaIntegrationConfigThe configuration for a single Gitea integration.
GithubAppConfigThe configuration parameters for authenticating a GitHub Application.
GithubCredentialsA set of credentials information for a GitHub integration.
GithubCredentialTypeThe type of credentials produced by the credential provider.
GithubIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single GitHub integration.
GitLabIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single GitLab integration.
GoogleGcsIntegrationConfigThe configuration parameters for a single Google Cloud Storage provider.
HarnessIntegrationConfigThe configuration for a single Harness integration.
PersonalAccessTokenCredentialA personal access token credential.
ScmIntegrationsFactoryA factory function that creates an integration group based on configuration.