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Home > @backstage/dev-utils > DevAppBuilder

DevApp builder that is similar to the App builder API, but creates an App with the purpose of developing one or more plugins inside it.


class DevAppBuilder 



Adds a page component along with accompanying sidebar item.

If no path is provided one will be generated. If no title is provided, no sidebar item will be created.


Adds a React node to place just inside the App Provider.

Useful for adding more global components like the AlertDisplay.


Adds a new sidebar item to the dev app.

Useful for adding only sidebar items without a corresponding page.

addSignInProvider(provider)Adds new sign in provider for the dev app
addThemes(themes)Adds an array of themes to override the default theme.
addTranslationResource(resource)Add translation resource to the dev app
build()Build a DevApp component using the resources registered so far
registerApi(factory)Register an API factory to add to the app
registerPlugin(plugins)Register one or more plugins to render in the dev app
render()Build and render directory to #root element, with react hot loading.
setAvailableLanguages(languages)Set available languages to be shown in the dev app
setDefaultLanguage(language)Set default language for the dev app