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Home > @backstage/core-components > useContent

This hook provides a react ref to the main content. Allows to set an element as the main content and focus on that component.

*Note: If contentRef is not set focusContent is noop. Content component sets this ref automatically*


function useContent(): {
focusContent: () => void;
contentRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> | undefined;


{ focusContent: () => void; contentRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> | undefined; }

Example 1

Focus current content

 const { focusContent} = useContent();
<Button onClick={focusContent}>
focus main content

Example 2

Set the reference to an Html element

 const { contentRef } = useContent();
<article ref={contentRef} tabIndex={-1}>Main Content</article>