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Home > @backstage/catalog-model > entityKindSchemaValidator

Creates a validation function that takes some arbitrary data, and either returns that data cast to a T if it matches that schema, or false if the schema apiVersion/kind didn't apply to that data, or throws a describing actual errors.


function entityKindSchemaValidator<T extends Entity>(schema: unknown): (data: unknown) => T | false;




(data: unknown) => T | false


This validator is highly specialized, in that it has special treatment of the kind and apiVersion root keys. This only works if your schema has their rule set to "enum":

"apiVersion": {
"enum": ["", ""]
"kind": {
"enum": ["Group"]

In the above example, the created validator will return false if and only if the kind and/or apiVersion mismatch.

Note that this validator is only meant for applying the base schema checks; it does not take custom policies or additional processor based validation into account.

The given schema may contain $ref references to the following, which are resolved automatically for you: