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Home > @backstage/backend-plugin-api > SchedulerServiceTaskScheduleDefinitionConfig

Config options for SchedulerServiceTaskScheduleDefinition that control the scheduling of a task.


export interface SchedulerServiceTaskScheduleDefinitionConfig 


frequency{ cron: string; } | string | HumanDuration /** * This task will only run when manually triggered with the `triggerTask` method; no automatic * scheduling. This is useful for locking of global tasks that should not be run concurrently. */ | { trigger: 'manual'; }How often you want the task to run. The system does its best to avoid overlapping invocations.
initialDelay?string | HumanDuration(Optional) The amount of time that should pass before the first invocation happens.
scope?'global' | 'local'(Optional) Sets the scope of concurrency control / locking to apply for invocations of this task.
timeoutstring | HumanDurationThe maximum amount of time that a single task invocation can take, before it's considered timed out and gets "released" such that a new invocation is permitted to take place (possibly, then, on a different worker).